Unhealthy Minds

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I wake up early, five in the morning to be exact. To my surprise however, Alexa was already awake. She was looking out a window, into a storm of strong winds, rain, thunder, and lightning.

"It's been like this all night and into the morning.. Just my luck...no game runs this far into the city in this condition.. Well Archer... Pack up. We get kinetic in ten. I'm gonna check our food supply..."

I gather my sleeping bag and put it in my weather proof case and attach it to my go-bag. Once done as if on que I can smell food, barbeque scented. My stomach howled in excitement from childhood memories of the now distant flavor. I walk over to the scent to see Alexa cooking a pot of beans and some hot dogs.

"Alexa, don't tell me this is breakfast. How are hot dogs even good anymore? Don't get me wrong this smells great."

"I made the dogs myself you asshat. You learn a thing or two when living with only nature as food at this point. Now if you're ready, sit down and eat. We shouldn't head out on an empty stomach."

I sit down across from her and she hands me a foam plate with my food on it and we eat in silence. The only thing on my mind is Sylvia, wondering if I would ever see her again... Dead or alive.. I toss the plate and plastic utensils in a trash can nearby and stand up. "Ready to move. I guess you're taking point?"

Alexa grabs her bag and, slugs my arm. "Yeah, yeah.. Just remember to keep your eyes on the road and off my ass." She jokes as she heads out the door with me following suit.

We walked down the cracked pavement, the sound of rain dampening most of my senses. We seemingly walk for miles in silence, the trees, bending with the wind. The silence deafening, but broken by the whistling wind, taps of rain, and the thunder of lightning. After around thirteen miles of walking we come across a bar and Alexa goes nuts.

"OHMYGOD WE HAVE TO GO IN THERE AND HAVE A DRINK PLUS I'M FREEZING AND COULD TOTALLY DRY OFF MY CLOTHES!!" She screams as she grabs my arm and bursts into the bar, pistol drawn. As soon as we walk in, a decayed body hops onto the bar counter and gives an ear bursting scream that makes me drop to my knees

The thing moves lightning quick and jumps from the counter to me, throwing me to the wall and trying to bite at my face. As I try to regain my senses, more seem to be crawling out from under tables and chairs. Alexa throws off the one that had pinned me and turns on some old electro music. "Okay freakbags, showtime! No one touches him or my drinks!" In one hand was a silenced pistol and in the other was a pure black combat knife. What happened next amazed me in the best of ways.

Alexa moved with fluid lethality and, relentless style. Shooting one in the head and before it could hit the floor, kicking it into the others as she stabs another through the eye. Shooting two more before throwing her knife into another different face and letting that body hit the floor as she quickly dispatches five more with two bullets, a beer bottle, and two pieces of wood. With bodies and blood everywhere, looking at her, not a speck of blood touched her. "Ugh... Man... That's just sad... I wanted a challenge.. Board up the windows and door.. We might be here a while." Alexa helps me up and I board everything up as she pushes the bodies into the back and boards up the back door.

We both sit at the bar, Alexa hands me a bottle of Smirnoff and she drinks a bottle of whiskey slowly. "Eh, I guess I could use a drink... Thanks Alexa." I say, and drink the vodka gladly. After what I've just seen I could use it. I drink away, trying to register what I just saw. Yeah you can tell someone dead people were walking again... But seeing it? Totally different... They really were faster and stronger than they look... I guess I owe Alexa for saving me.

Many drinks later Alexa finally breaks the silence that grew over time in the bar. "They're called 'Husks' or whatever... Everyone seems to have a different name for them... 'walkers', 'deads'.. You get the jist.. Sorry I got us into that mess.. I just can't pass up a drink.. The doc used to say I had an addiction to it... But I call bull. Who doesn't need a good drink right?" She looks over to me and drops her glass to the floor.

"Shit! Archer, are you okay? Is that your blood? Shit shit shit!" She scoots in close and wipes blood from my ears. Once done we don't move, rather she doesn't move back. She looks in my eyes and starts playing with my hair. "Maybe it's the drinks talking... But hey, do you... You know... Wanna make out?" I can definitely tell she's drunk right now, and I know for a fact I am, but before I can even say no she kisses me. Soft amazing lips on mine.

I pull away, trying not to be rude. "Hey, whoah, slow down cowgirl. What are you doing? I thought you were all about the mission? Also, my girlfriend is out there somewhere.. I'm no cheater."

Alexa laughs and runs he right hand down my face "Of course I'm all about the mission... But I've read your logs... You're like me... You still know how to have a good time... And that girlfriend? Probably dead. Know how many people made it out of Manhattan? I'll tell you... Twenty-seven... We were two of them... She's gone... So forget about her and focus on me, kay? It's not like I haven't seen under those clothes before anyway. I took care of you while in that coma remember?" She smiles and drags me into one of the bar booths crawling over me. "If you want me to stop, make me."

"She had to have made it out.... She could've came with us..... I could've saved her.. Don't ever talk about her like that again!" I say, in a drunken haze I kick Alexa off me and jump up, with my hands up.

"Oooo! We're fighting now! Yay!" Alexa seemed too happy. This girl is nuts. We go blow for blow, eventually grappling eachother to the ground. "Archer, I read every file I could. She's GONE. No one saw her after the battle with the LMB. She's K.I.A. deal with it!"

Filled with grief, I pick her up and slam her on a table, forcing her off me. "Agents don't die... We're only M.I.A.!..." I drop to my knees, accessing Division Agent life support data looking for Sparrow. There it was, clear as day... Sparrow, no pulse, all tech destroyed. I begin to tear up as Alexa holds me from behind. "Everything is gone.... Ash... My baby... My best friend... My Girlfriend... My mom.... I have nothing Alexa... No objective... No task... I failed in containing the virus... Now everything is fucked.."

"You tried... That's more than most asshole. And you don't have nothing. And you have an objective.. Get to Portland... And you have me for right now you know.. Not to rush the whole grief process, but I think you should seize the moment... FYI, I'm totally on the market.." Alexa helps me up once more and sits me in the booth again, kissing me more.

"I'm not... But... I won't say no... Don't think it's a yes either though. Got it?" Alexa nods and slips in her tongue as we kiss. Passionate, but messy is the best way to describe everything. She throws off her jacket and I do the same. "And by the way, I've totally been staring at your ass.. So I guess this is to say sorry and thank you.."

"I'll remember to take point more often then.... Starting now..." She grabs the bottle of whiskey off the table and continues to drink with me under her as she fiddles with my belt and jeans. I resist a bit and she laughs. "Just let it happen cowboy. You can't fight me off if you can't fight off one Husk."

I stop resisting and let her do her own thing. She moves both of our pants down and from there you can guess what happened next. The night was filled with moans of pure ecstasy from Alexa. I guess it was good to keep my mind off the grief for now. Her skin was soft and smooth, like silk. Almost like she never fought a day in her life. As my hands reach up her shirt I feel scars at her lower ribs, and lots of them but I ignore it for now. The entire night was fuzzy but good... Really good... The morning wasn't as well on my mind.

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