Two's Company

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"Why are Woodchucks called 'Woodchucks' if they can't chuck wood? Do crabs think fish can fly? Did you know people who are hammered at parties, are also trying to get nailed?" Sylvia doesn't shut up the whole walk there. We stay on guard but we were taking safer routes of the city.

I read the files of all the known factions of the city and, the list is as follows; Cleaners:guys with homemade flamethrowers trying to cleanse anything, or anyone with the virus through fire; Last Man Battalion: called LMB for short, they are a LITERAL military with tanks and shit that want this city for their own. They are of highest priority; Rikers: Criminals from Rikers Island that got out and now do as they please, no matter the brutality; Rioters: of lowest priority, these are your standard murderous assholes; Rogue Agents: KILL ON SIGHT. They supersede all targets in priority, kill them before they can disappear, but never fight them alone; Division Agents: Us. Awesome, badass, kickass, sons of bitches!; JTF: the only ally we have.

"If a turtle loses its shell, is it naked or homeless?" Sylvia asks

"It's dead... Now take cover. We're at the last known location." I pulse the surrounding area for hostiles and none ping up, but one living friendly is pinged one building away on the third floor. I signal Sylvia. "Sparrow, we gotta head to that building.. I think one of our missing agents was in there." We move out and enter the building silently.

We walk up the rundown apartment building, holes everywhere as we finally get to the third floor surprise that this building could take our weight. We walk into an apartment and see two agents, resting against the kitchen wall. Sylvia rushes over as there's blood everywhere.. As I look around there are the bodies of LMB soldiers littered around the apartment. Sparrow places down a healing station and tries to get info.

"I'm division Agent 168, that's Agent 174... We're gonna get you guys home! I promise." Sylvia starts to tear up

"My partner next to me is dead, and our SHD tech is smashed.. We weren't able to call for help.. Before we knew it we were surrounded.." The female agent points to her male counterpart as she spoke. I look at her carefully, she was young.. Younger than Sylvia and I.

I pick up the young man, who was about eighteen by the looks of it and I order Sylvia pick up our even younger agent. The girl looks at me and questions why I picked up her partner and not scavenge his gear. "I told Fey that we would bring BOTH of you home. So that's what I'm going to do." Once we get outside I extend my portable shield and tie a rope to the handle and tie the dead boy to the shield. Like a home made sled. Sparrow does the same and the girl sits on her shield.

"That's Agent 209, I'm Agent 210. My Callsign is 'Ash' on account of my hair. Thank you 168 and 174. I loved that man in your shield.. And he did me... He died to protect me.. And now I'm alone." The girl says, teary eyed.

"Of course you aren't alone sweetie, I'm only twenty, but Whisper and I are happy to have you stay with us until you get better! Then you can join our fireteam!" Sparrow says without consulting me.

"Uh.. Sure... I'll get more food somehow.." I chuckle, knowing that a third person takes a lot of resources we don't have. The girl smiles and thanks us, crying a bit.

"I'm only sixteen... But I can pull my weight. I'm an agent just like you two." She says. For the rest of the walk, it's whistling, and singing. Sylvia has an amazing voice, I guess we can't show off our voices if we're usually supposed to be quiet. But we're in JTF territory, so we're safe. We get to the Base Of Operations and get the girl and the body to Fey.

"I guess you agent can follow orders... I've sent a large supply cache of food and ammo to your safe house. Good work. Give me fifteen minutes with the girl. I'll patch her up, then she'll be off with you two. I was listening in on your tech. Dismissed." Fey says proudly. We wait out in the snow for our newest member.

Ash walks out and greets us. She follows close behind as we show her the way to our safe house. She stops in the snow for a sec and thanks us again before entering. I think an extra person is good.. One more and we can take back that power grid.

Agent 174Where stories live. Discover now