The End of the End

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Another week... it's been another week and Archer isn't awake.. but he's getting there slowly.. his wounds are closed, and he's stable. Only problem is food now... we're going to run out soon... Unless I start going further into the snow. It's mostly calm now, but JTF radio chatter is silent and makes me feel like scavenging for a radio was a waste of time.

  I'm worried. We should've at least been able to get an emergency brodcast if anything bad would have happened. What if we lost? The only enemy faction with means of anti air weaponry is that private military.. the LMB. Meaning they could've launched a full scale attack against the JTF and Division agents.. That also means that Archers Rainbow team is probably dead right now...

  The door opens and Rose walks through. she throws down bags of chips. "All I could find out there.. Rioters are getting dangerous Mom, They know they out number us usually four to one.. but they're forming large hunting parties.... searching for Division agents now... our cover is blown." Rose sits down and relaxes. Sometimes I think she forgets to be scare of the situation we're in. I know I am... But that doesn't stop us. Archers mother has been gone for two days now, told us that she was going to get reinforcements. Rose runs supply and recon missions now as I keep Archer stable and fortify our position. I constantly scan the radio for something... shit, anything... but nothing ever comes up.

  As if on que the radio static breaks and a voice is heard. "I've been watching your group for a while now... I think you have something I want.. The kid. I want the kid. She shows promise, she'd make a much better LMB soldier. We're coming. Oh.. and we're taking your leader with us. He has information we need.. That Rainbow team of his has been a pain in the ass we can't seem to kill... Just know we're coming for you." The static from the radio comes back and my heart sinks, as I'm filled with fear.

I don't even need to speak to Rose, she knows what to do. We create improvised shrapnel mines with cans, nuts, bolts, and scrap metal; setting them at the doors and windows. I board up the widows and move tables around for better cover. I move upstairs and rest my sniper against the window frame, taking aim outside, my only real cover being shadows up here. Now we start the waiting game. Rose set up human bear traps around the edges of the building and we both just waited. I took place as a sniper up on the second floor as Rose managed the whole bottom floor. we both had walkie talkies on us to comunicate while I take watch on the streets below me.

  A whole day later the incursion started. I see the first squad walking towards us in the street. pfft... they thought we were gonna be easy? BAM! My snipers first shot tears through the skull of the medic. They scatter behind cover like roaches, but it didn't matter, my 50. Cal sniper tore through cover and killed anything I wanted it to. My walkie opened comms for one second, and I was relieved to hear her voice.

  "Don't worry, Mother is here to clean up this mess." I hear through the radio and the rattling of gunfire is heard. The next incoming squat was decimated. Is this what Rainbow agents can really do? Archers mother glides along the battlefield as if it were a stage for her to show a dance of death. A barrage of bullets seemed to flow from that woman as she weeved cover  cover, shooting through her own cover and using enemies as meat shields. With the two of us watching the main road, nothing got past us.... but nohing is permanent.

  Mother had to scavenge their own guns to keep killing them. they seemed to just kept coming, getting smarter each time. Even worse now, they were inside the house, Rose had her hands full in close quarters, shooting through walls an using her small frame to put herself in places of advantage. We all keep shooting. Clip, after clip. after clip, after clip. Blood tainted the snow once more as this city block turned in a battleground for our last stand...

  Mother took two shots, one to the shoulder, and one in the leg. I kill as many of them I can, but they drag her off into the buildings and out of my line of fire. "Fuck! Grandma's been captured, hold ground!" I scream to Rose, grabbing Archers AR and heading downstairs. They weren't going to take anyone else, and when this is over, we're getting Mom back.

  They keep coming, and we keep killing. As we return fire, Rose screams in pain, A bullet went straight through her arm, forcing her to drop her gun. She crawls back to protect Archer, a pistol only left in her hands. As for me... I've been shot three times. Once in the arm, Once in my right thigh, and once in my shoulder. But I didn't care. No pain is too much for my Archer. I'll gladly die for that idiot. "C'mon mother fuckers! I'll kill you all!"

  In my own last stand, I set down Archers now empty AR, and in my hands were two pistols, one was Archers, one was mine. I break from cover, dropping three right away. I kill another five and a bullet goes straight through my hand, dropping my pistol to the floor, only Archer's in hand. I reload his gun and go back to town. Screams of enemy soldiers can be heard as the traps are being set off one by one, thinning the herd. A breach char blows up the wall to my left, knockingme to the floor. I'm swarmed and handcuffed, They force me down for good. Rose however, hasn't been subdued yet. She's down to a pair of scissors, stabbing soldiers as they come.. but it's short lived as they throw all of us in the back of an armed truck with Archers Mother.

  They think they've won, but they've just lost... NEVER put us with eachother... we WILL NOT go out like this.

        Agent 168, logging off

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