New beginnings

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I move around my room. It's been a couple days and, all Rain does is ask me questions before leaving off to do something. She wants me to come with her to see what the world is like now. I gather my things and meet her outside. Rain smiles
"Well well, let's see what the second wave is made of..." She chuckles a little, handing me a Colt 45. I grip the small gun in my right hand. It felt familiar, but distant. Like an idea that finally coes back to you after you forget.

As we walk through unfamiliar streets it dawns on me that we aren't in Manhattan anymore, let alone anywhere near that. "Rain... When you pulled me out... Where did we go?.. Where are we?" As I ask Rain throws me a SHD Tech Division Agent watch and my old contacts. I put it on and start the uplink process to access my map GPS and Tac Rig and Heads Up Display. I look at my map with my contacts and look at my current location. Salem, Oregon. "Rain... we're on the opposite side of the country... What are we doing here??" I ask as we continue down the abandoned street of a rundown cultisack.

Rain walks readily for seemingly some engagement that is bound to happen. "Surviving... Once I grabbed you, it was like a fucking target was put over my head... I've seen a lot as a Ghost... but you have an attraction to high profile killers. At first I was running from them of course. I can't kill them all and leave you just lying around. Although when that virus spread, it was the ones I already put down that I had to worry about even more. They were faster and stronger and didn't feel pain or emotion... Whatever the world has come to is what brought us here. I guess it's called the Luck of The Draw." She talks and walks as if she were higher on a higher plain. Although her words also make it sound as if she's fallen from that.

We walk quietly. Rain doesn't talk much, but when she does... she doesn't seem to want to stop. I guess she hasn't had anyone to talk to like this in a long while. "Hey Rain... I know this is personal an all... But... When all this shit happened... Did you have a family?.. Are they still around?" As if the world knew the weight of that question, the sky began to cry. As a storm grew and the sound of thunder and crack of lightning filled the skies we find an abandoned house to take shelter for the rest of the day.

"I uh... Had a boyfriend.... HAD haha... I have this rule about my boyfriends NOT being a zombie... I like biting, but I like living more. besides... A girl has priorities... My job comes first.. I need to get us to Portland.. That was my last order... After that, I guess we go our separate ways... Get some sleep Yokai... oh, and just call me by my name... Call me Alexa." We unpack our sleeping bags and lie facing away from eachother

"I.... uh... Agent Ash was my daughter so I can almost feel your pain... As for names.... Mine's Archer... Don't forget it beautiful." As I finish, I hear a giggle. We have a long way to walk, might as well make sure she doesn't feel uncomfortable with me.

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