Pointless filler chapter.

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With our four man team, and specialized gear, everything became easier. We were borderline super human. Sylvia has been mad at me lately for going out at night and drinking with Steven. Ash is upset that I don't do recon with her anymore, and Steven is... Well, Steven. He's a happy guy. He talks about his wife Lily a lot.

I run the 'Striker' specialized gear set. Allowing me to optimize my damage output, and take a bit more hits. Although I still come back to Sylvia to get myself patched up.. She always looks so worried when she stitches me up. "Please be more careful! What if it was when we started? That would've killed you!" She would say to me over and over. We've been preping for a month to take back the power grid, but Sylvia wants to make sure we optimize our survival ratings. She's starting to sound more and more like a mother.. And honestly, she'd make a good one.

I'm lying in bed and Sylvia rolls over and holds me. "Hey, Archer... I-I wanted to talk to you about something.."

I smile and kiss her nose "okay, talk away, I'll listen." I say gently, not to wake the others.

"If um.. I know this is gonna sound nuts.. We've only dated for about a month... But I KNEW you... We went to the same grade school together.. A-And you were the only person that was ever really nice to me... And we made a promise to always stay together. But you moved... I felt so alone when you moved... It was like the world was ended... But when my Agent training finished and I saw you with the new recruits... It's like there was light again! A-and when the Virus hit.. I was so worried that you'd be in the first wave... But I kept looking and searching for you... And when I found you again... I realized you didn't remember me... So I acted to never know you... But I DO! Your favorite color is red, you wanted to be a lawyer when you were younger, your favorite food is 'mac n cheese', you said in the second grade that my eyes were your favorite everything... And frankly Archer... I love you..."

And everything she said she knew was true... It was like a tidal wave of emotions and memories crashed into my head. I hold her tight, like my life depended on it and whispered in her ear. "I remember now... Everything... You gave me the name Whisper because I told you that if I was a Spy, I'd want that as a code name... I remember you... I promise I'll never leave you again... Because I'm in love with you Sylvia Belle.." I kiss her and for the first time, we didn't have sex, we made love. Our next couple operation on the field i requested just the two of us. We'd go into battle completely in synch. We didn't have to say a word to know what to do. The irony in that the soldiers meant to give their life, were now finally living it.

"So listen 174, Sir.... We haven't done resonance in a week.. I was hoping to spend time with you." As Ash says this during breakfast, Sylvia jams her knife into the table between Ash and I

"Aren't you two years too young for late nights with men? And you're definitely too late for all that, isn't that right dear?" Sylvia says, almost like that was a normal thing to say.

"I don't think that's what she meant hun... Are you okay? It's not cool to make those wild assumptions. But yes, you are too young to be with guys late at night. Give it two years and you can do as you please."as I say this Ash turns red and runs to her room.

I step outside in the snow and drink a bit, trying to scroll through the way Sylvia just acted. She started having weird mood swings and cravings. It's been a bitch trying to find or order in the food she wants... I might want to talk with Fey.. Maybe Sylvia is sick. Winter is coming soon... A large blizzard... I hope Sylvia is okay.

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