Sorries, Thank you's, and Please's

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  "Hello Mister Archer... I've been watching you and your life for a very long time... And you... Have peaked the interest of a very powerful being. My... Well let's just call him my employer. Nevertheless, others attempts at ending your life have obviously ended fruitless. I would like to extend your little lifespan even more. Go to Portland. You will find a gift from my employer there. Don't worry about its location... It will... Well, it'll find you."

  "Who are you?... I've heard your voice before... You're the man that inducted me into The Division! What do you want with me?"

  "Yes, I'm sure you have many questions. For now I'll answer one. I am someone who you want on your good side. You humans have played god far too long and I've been sent to... Fix... The world But you can call me Henri. You humans always did need things like names. I digress, it's time for you to wake up Archer. Wake up and... Smell the ashes."

  I damn near jump out of bed, Alexa holding me around my waist. She cuddles up close, her skin on mine. "Hey, are you okay? Something wrong?" Alexa says gently, whispering in my ear. Her right hand moving up and down my chest.

 didn't I didn't realise it, but I held her in a caring manner. "I dunno.. I had the strangest dream.. I couldn't see anything... But there was this voice. And it told me some shit about my future and all that. About how we need to continue to head to Portland... That something is waiting there for me." As I finish Alexa leans in close and smiles, our noses just barely touching.

  "Well as long as you're okay... It's your call now if you wanna continue, I doubt the military base there is still alive.. Hey, I know it's unprofessional.. But why don't we take these guys with us? You wanna help people right? They need us ya know." When Alexa finishes she leans in her lips close. Not enough to kiss me, but enough for me to kiss her if I chose.

  I look into her hazel eyes and this time, they weren't cold or robotic. This time it was filled with a kind of happiness, although sadness could also be seen. "Archer.. I'm not drunk anymore... And I know this is nuts.. But I want this.. Sober me is okay with you.." Alexa whispers sweetly, closing her eyes and tilting her head to the right.

  I grab hold of her waist lightly. Alexa grabs hold of my chest softly. I tilt my head to the right and let my instinct take over. When she was sober she wasn't crazy.. In this moment... I forgot about every thing. The only things I could think of were her and I. I press my lips on hers, gently. Alexa wraps her arms around me, kissing me back. Our bodies moved in sync, every movement felt perfect but free. It made me feel... Like I gained a piece of myself that I lost in that coma.

  We both pull back, reaching for air. "Hey, Alexa. When we head back out... Stay safe. I can't risk losing anyone else... Especially you" I smile and kiss her once more. I think I just needed to feel something... Anything.

  Alex giggled a bit "hahaha, okay, okay! I promise, now stop teasing! We gotta get ready.. We got a long way to travel. So no flirting on the job, or else we aren't gonna get anything done." She gets up out of bed and gets dressed and ready quickly. She just showed me a side that I seemed to like. It was actually normal. She had professionalism, and this awful drinking problem... But it seems that it mixes into something completely normal. I like it actually.

  I get my black combat pants on, strapping my pistol holster to my side soon after. My white shirt is next, then my black jacket. I grab my bag and make sure it's ready to go before waiting on our newfound friends to wake up. Alexa and I wait for hours. It reminds me how much my training has made me far from a normal person, like how my body won't let me sleep in. The sun rises and the father, James wakes up.

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