The Devil You Know

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"You told him I was dead huh? Then tried to get him to fall in love with you? Oh, and he only woke up about a week ago? Wow. You seem to tell him a lot.. Did you tell him that you thought you killed me?"

"Sylvia... Alexa... What happened... The day Alexa rescued me?"

"Rescued? That's hilarious! That's what she told you? Honey, she was sent to kill us.. Her mission was to make sure we wouldn't give the enemies any info.... By... Ending all of us for good.

"No, I was sent to get Archer! But you were working with the LMB! Even locked up your adopted daughter!"

"I did it to keep Archer alive! I wanted Rose with me... But she was too clouded with rage to help... And his mother kept talking shit and trying to break out. I was the only one willing to leave my morals behind for the one I loved!"

"Sylvia... What do you mean Alexa tried to kill you?"

"Pretty self explanatory. But I'll give you the bigger picture... As she fucks up my plan of a safe exit by causing two blocks to explode, and wages war... She starts dragging you out. I obviously try to stop her... She doesn't listen to me and tries to shoot me. Well let's say I have either really good luck or she sucks at aiming, because she just barely missed anything important.. But with all the fighting going around, I try to save Rose... We all know how that worked out... But by the time I get back... She was long gone. For all these years I thought you were dead because some bitch ran off with you and got you killed.. Don't even get me started on when the whole zombie thing happened... I thought I'd never find you. Then a couple days ago, my scouts report a man dressed in all black... Running around with a blue haired woman. He had a Division agent watch, and she had on a hacket with the same STUPID star patch on it. There was no way it wasn't you. I couldn't get you myself... And we're pretty stretched thin troop wise.. So I just had to hope you would end up here when you did. Boom.. That's mostly everything. Now can I kill her so we can be together again? Because if she doesn't die, it means you ACTUALLY like this psycho bitch."

"Oh, you're calling ME psycho? I've read your files! You have a VERY bad tendancy for killing anyone that fucks with your perfect image! Civilians... Other military figures... Other Division Agents... Archers mom..."

"Don't you dare bring that up! You know I had no choice! It was her or me! She wanted to send me to prison after everything!"

"You're a traitor. Just admit it! I saw the reports! You'll kill anyone who gets in your way!"

I stop all the talking. "Alexa... I thought you said my mom led the assult in South America?.."

"I honestly just didn't wanna tell you that your mom died the same time you found out that your wife and daughter died. That would be rough.. Especially because your wife killed her."

I become enraged "Sylvia... What did you do? Don't tell me this is true..."

"Honey... If she sent me to prison... I'd probably never would have seen you again... I made that choice so we could always be together... She tried to tear us apart! Just like Rain! Please! Just come back to me and we can forget all this ever happened! I promise!" Sylvia becomes frantic.

I grip my fists. Rage is the only thing I felt. "So the two women I thought were actually stand up people both have some pretty bad secrets... Alexa, I could forgive... But Sylvia... You KILLED my mother.. I should kill you right here... But I just want a normal life.. No more killing... No more fighting... I just want to life peacefully, no more blood on my hands. Both of you... Get out of my apartment... And get the fuck out of my life." I hold the cross that James gave me.

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