Goodbye and Confessions

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Goodbye everyone. If this doesn't get rejected by our Court systems, I want to say some things...


I love you. So much. I'm gonna miss you. I wish we could stay here longer. But if this is it, then so be it. My time here was enjoyed, mostly because you were here. I wish I joined sooner, we could've been here together longer.


Never, EVER give up. I'm gonna keep fighting against this, I urge you to as well. Lie about your age when you do these things. At this point, it doesn't matter how old you are, what gender, race, sexuality, crimes, or any of these things people stereotype with.

Everyone else.

Please, keep fighting. Keep contacting the FCC, Congress, and anyone that has an impact on this. Here are a couple places you can call, text, or email.

 Here are a couple places you can call, text, or email

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I-I'm sorry. For getting you eliminated. For betraying the alliance. For being an idiot. It's probably too late now, but better late than never, h-hah...

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