I tried to write a poem

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Their grip is tightening,

I don't know how much longer I'll last

They keep demanding things for me to do

What word will be their last?

I want them to stop

Am I the only one that can?

Please, get them to stop

Do I have to leave the land?

Into the sea

Dark blue, full of fears

and salty and dangerous

Like my ever-flowing tears

But the waves bring me back

the waves of love from my friends

but will those waves take me to shore

or to an island?

Tie the rope around my foot

Attach it to the rock

Throw it over

Maybe then they'll stop

I'm trapped in the currents

of my own self doubt and regret

I'm drowning down here

Brother, are you proud of me yet?

I-I'm not very good at it, but Test Tube told me that expressing my feelings should help me with my mental health.

Also I'm not actually drowning, or else how would I post this haha-

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