My Story

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Trapped in a stupid lab...

B-before I get... whatever is gonna happen to me...

I want to tell my side of the story, even though I know I messed up, and I'm irredeemable for the things I've done.

Anyways, so as you know, Suitcase and I are siblings.

I knew that it was a big responsibility, and I didn't necessarily want a sister, but I'd do what I had to do.

One of my dads... he was diagnosed with cancer, which really messed everyone up. My other dad the most, though, which lead him to jail...

We spent most of our money trying to save him, but in the end it was worthless. 

It was just the two of us, I knew I had to support her now.

My friends, at the time, decided to make a "murder business", whatever it would be called...

I didn't want to join, but what choice did I have at the time? 

They payed me to kill people and steal things...

Then one day, Suitcase followed me out of the house without me noticing...

She saw me...

She cried...

At this point though, my mind was broken...

I gave her a baseball bat with nails in it.

I told her to do it, "Swing the bat"

and she wouldn't do it, which caused the stranger to escape.

Then, I yelled at her.

And I ran.

I ran for days, weeks, months.

Until I fell into a river,

and I froze...

That's it, really...

I don't care if you show any sympathy, because I'm gonna get caught anyways, and I'm gonna...

I'm gonna escape...

I want a second chance

I want to get out of here please

I'll take someone else's body, just...

Let me out.

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