Another Poem & Gone

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The Knock

I heard a knock today

Though I wasn't near a door.

It said "Let me in

I have the cure"

I didn't answer, and it kept knocking

Slowly growing stronger and louder

It was consuming my thoughts

It was getting harder not to answer

Finally, they said "I wont

take no for an answer"

I slowly let them in

and everything went black.

When I could see again

There was nothing

But the white void

And the one who was knocking

"Take this, and end your pain"

They held out a rope and a rock

I blinked, scared and confused

The void turned into the docks

I couldn't control myself

The sunset was glowing

I began to walk

And I kept going

Even though it wasn't me

I tied the rope around my foot

Then attached it to the rock

One last time, I got to look

The sunset, the day came to an end

I reflected on my losses, and what I won

The stars appeared, I knew then

This was it, my time was done

This one was more experimental I guess? I don't know haha-

I'm leaving for the mansion now, also.

I know someone is going to try to stop me, but I'm not gonna stop.

I'm gonna keep going.

I'll be safe

I'll be fine.

I'll update about it later.

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