Rambling again sorry

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It's weird to think that there could be other timelines(?) where I don't exist. Or ones where I'm someone else, or actually happy..

Nevermind. Zr orvat zvfrenoyr vf n havirefny pbafgnag unun-

Anyways, the Creaky Tree is creaking as always. A lot of you were saying it might fall down and to not go too close to it.
.uthbug rpva ro qyhbp gnuG
I'm joking, of course. But you don't have to worry, I'm not dumb..

I'm waiting to name that rock I found because I want to give it a good name instead of a obvious one...

I'm thinking about "Or stone"
Or means Gold in French (I wish I knew how to speak French, I understand a little, though)


Oh well, I'll think about it later.

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