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 Aaanndd I've fallen into another wave of depression...

Because I realized...

It's my fault that Baseball and Nickel got seperated

It's my fault that Balloon and I got seperated

It's my fault that we are all in some sort of pain, and I'm sorry.

It's my fault that people pity me

It's my fault that people are more focused on my issues than their own.

It's my fault that people are in some sort of pain, and I'm sorry.

So, so sorry...

I don't need you to pity me.

I don't need you to help me with this

I can handle it on my own.

I have been for a while now, and I can do it even longer.

I'm ok, just being regretful and a big cry baby.

You don't have to worry about me, I'm already worried about myself enough, and I'm worried about all of you too.

I love all of you and I'm sad I've caused you pain and wasted your time.  

I'm not trying to get attention, honestly I don't want it

I don't want to feel important like this, it's uncomfortable having this much power over what happens to people.

Again, I don't need help from you guys, I appreciate the offer, but I can handle this by myself.

I love you guys, a lot. You saved me many times. I can't thank you enough, but I don't need or want this much attention.

That's it for now.

Ily guys! <3

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