rrrrrrandom collection of things you shouldn't care about this

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why are you reading this chapter its a waste of your time did you not see the title

I'm warning you leave-

Guess your on board then-

I keep coughing and its driving me up a wall-

I'm probably sick hhh

some tea or cough drops would help at the moment my throat is killing me-

eh whatever, doesn't matter.

but also I found this earlier-

oh no my secret I have arms inside meeeee-

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oh no my secret I have arms inside meeeee-

..nz V orpbzvat avpxry...?

What if every armless object lost their legs and got arms instead, vice versa?

that'd be weird

What's it like having arms?

probably a lot easier to do everything that's for sure.

I started collecting rocks again why do I do this-

I'm gonna make these rocks into a gun-

seems like what you guys want me to do 

I mean really.

who is that I could never be that happy haha-

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who is that I could never be that happy haha-

but I guess that's your way of saying "Get a gun and you'll be happy" so thanks for the guidance-

hope you aren't implying that I should kill someone haha

anyways I'm very... odd feeling...

numb I guess? confused? Worried?

ha that last one isn't anything new haha

...actually all of them haha

that's worrying haha

oh wait that's what I shouldn't be feeling oops

Gotta change that-

I'm gonna go to that lake-spot thing again...

I'll have to come up with a name for it at some point-

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