Pnrfne Pvcure xrl 13

153 7 1

Poem/rant thing.

Don't talk about it on here.

Just read please.

No commenting.

Unless you're deciphering something.

Just comment what it says if you decipher some of it.


I cry. 

I cry it's something we all share. 

One of the only things we share. 

But I cry more, because I care.

I care. 

I care about my friends, real and fake. 

Though the fake ones use it to their advantage. 

I worry more because of the untruth.

I lie.

I lied about the erq cra.

I don't use erq cra.

Gung fgnva jnf zl oybbq.

I oyrrq.

I've done it for only three days, when the sun is gone.

I used to do it a lot.

It hurts but I deserve it for what I've done.

I phg.

I phg to show myself that I've done everything wrong, 

to show I'm abg jub gurl fnl V nz, 

Cresrpg? Jnagrq? Tbbq? Not me. 

I should stop.

I know it's not good for me to do it.

But there are other things I should stop.

Crying. Caring. Lying. Oyrrqvat.

V qebja

V hfrq gb qebja zlfrys jvgu gur ebcr naq gur ebpxf.

Qent zr qbja gb gur bqqyl crnprshy sybbe.

Ubyq zr hc jvgu gur cerffher bs gur oyhr.

Sybngvat, jvgubhg n pner va gur jbeyq.

Cerffher ohvyqvat hc hagvy V pna'g oerngur.

Gura hagvr, sybng hc, fjvz gb fuber naq svaq nabgure ebpx.

One day, I wish to rest there, for good.

Gubhtu vg'f zbeovq, it gives me a sense of comfort.

Ab bar ryfr vf gurer gb unez zr yvxr gurl qb ba gur fhesnpr.

The fhesnpr is full of ungr andzvfrel.

I don't want to be trapped on the surface.  

Q V F P B A A R P G  S E B Z  G U R Z  N A Q  G U R L  J B A G  Z V F F  Z R

That's what I'll do.


Again, no commenting unless you're deciphering something.

If you comment I will delete it.

If you want to talk to me, do it privately.

Thank you.

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