What was this one about again?

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Isn't it lovely when you wake up with a bloody nose?

Darn this dry air...

Oh well, it wasn't a big one and it's over now anyways.

I want to go somewhere new.

The docks have grown boring to me...

I might wander in the forest for a bit.

Or the lakes edge.

...maybe back to the cliff?

Maybe I could break into Hotel OJ haha-

N-no, I don't wanna get in trouble.

It's not like anyone here would miss me, though.

And I really want to see Balloon...

Gosh, I haven't asked him about his garden in forever...

I wonder how it's doing?...

I haven't... talked to him in a while... really...

I feel bad now...

I hope he doesn't feel bad about it...

I'm sorry, I'm rambling. 

Where was this chapter going again?

I don't know, felt like writing something.

Hope you guys are having a more interesting day than me haha-

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