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...why do I feel bad for him?...

Maybe I should give up my body to him...

At least then I might be able to be happy for once...

I really do have a problem, don't I? Haha-

Telling my problems to strangers on the internet who don't even know me

Why am I even doing this haha-

I hope I'm not bothering any of you with my rambling

I'm probably bothering someone, though.

They just keep it to themselves haha-

I guess I'll just continue with this trend haha-

I feel so bad...

I thought I got over Baseball and Nickel but I guess not haha-

There had to have been a way to make everyone happy...

But I didn't try to find it...

And now everyone is upset.

I really wish I could go back and fix it but...

I can't...

I have to live with my mistakes...

Even if they weigh me down.

Dragging me deeper in the water...

Why do I always compare everything to water haha-

Guess I'm just drowning here haha-

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