Chapter One

411 13 2

Demi Lovato

My hands begin to become sweaty as the words repeat in my mind. 12 months. I had 12 months to live. My mind couldn't comprehend the words, shock was overtaking me.

"S-So nothing can be done? No chemotherapy or surgery can cure it?" I stuttered as I chewed down on my bottom lip.

"Unfortunately not, Miss Lovato. The cancer is spreading rapidly within your body. There's nothing we can do." The doctor said. I sighed,

The doctor began rambling on, my mind blurred out and focused on my thoughts. Telling my family was going to be the most hardest thing. My family have been through hell and back with me and now they're in for the worst. I threaded my hand into my blue hair,  staring at the pieces that fell out.

"They symptoms include vomiting, sometimes blood, coughing, tiredness, dizziness, weakness and hair loss. The cancer will eventually reach your lungs which will cause difficulty with breathing." The words from the doctor weighed on my shoulders.

Why did I have to go through this? I asked myself. I may have done things in my life which I regret but why do I have to die at such a young age? My life has been through obstacles, each day of my life was a daily battle, getting up, dying inside then repeating. It wasn't until rehab. Rehab changed me, I wasn't that bratty child or the one who partied all the time, I was just miserable and looking for a relief, mainly taking it out on others.

"Miss Lovato, I will see you every week, the days may change, but next week it's Monday at 11:30." The doctor gave a small smile, opening the door as I leave.

His words were still stuck in my mind, there was no emotions, just numbness. I got into my car and drove off. Driving off to Logan and I's favourite spot and our secret spot where we grew up as kids. You have terminal cancer. It was still comprehending in my mind, my mind couldn't process it.

I eventually reached the park which no one harldy knew of, I got out of my car and walked to Logan and I's spot which was underneath a gum tree. I sat down and grabbed out my song book. This book knew all my thoughts and all my secrets. I grabbed my pen and opened up my book, flicking through pages to find a blank piece.

I let my pen glide along as my emotions flooded onto the paper, saying everything which I couldn't say. All the feelings that I have bottled up are released. Connecting them together to make a song. I humed a tune in my mind as I reread over the first couple of lines. I placed a few scribbles here and there and corrected errors. I continued writing as nothing was left of me. No words could come onto the paper and my heart wasn't filled with pain. I smiled at the lyrics, reading over and over again. Imaging recording it. I flipped to the back of the book and began writing again.

Bucket List

1) Get another tattoo

2) Dye hair pink

3) Shave half of my hair

4) Go to paris

5) Fall in love

6) Record an album

7) Perform somewhere

8) Spend all the time I can with my family and Logan

9) Visit Timberline Knolls

10) Just to be happy

I smiled at the list I created, ready to fulfill each of them. I closed my book and put my pen in it, I stood up and walked back to my car with a grin over my face. I got into it and drive off home. I already thought about ahead. Tomorrow I will have to face my parents, tell them what's going to happen. It will be hard, but I don't have enough time anymore.

I drove up my driveway once I arrived, I walked into my house, placing my things on the kitchen counter. I searched through my fridge for a drink. I grabbed the bottle of water and slightly sipped on it as I scrolled through my phone. I was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in." I sung out.

The door opened and Logan walked in, with a smile on his lips. "Hey Dems." He walked up to me. I smiled and gave him a quick hug. "Are you ready to go to the theme park?" He asked. "Oh shit.." I mumbled to myself, forgetting that we had something planned tonight.

"Give me 20 minutes, okay?" Before Logan could say anything, I rushed up the stairs fixing myself up. I reaplied my make up and brushed through my hair. I stared at the blue strands on the floor, shaking my head. I changed into black jeans, a top and a denim jacket over the top with some boots on. I walked back down the stairs and grabbed my phone and purse.

"Ready!" I smiled. "10 minutes over." He chuckled as he stared at the time. I rolled my eyes and followed Logan outside, I got into his car and he drove off, going to the theme park. Once we arrived I felt excitement overtake me.

"Oh my gosh, can we go on the ferris wheel?" I giggled as we walked out of the car, towards the ticket lady.

Logan Henderson

"Oh my gosh, can we go on the ferris wheel?" Demi giggled as we walked out of the car, towards the ticket lady. I shook my head at her excitement. "You're very mature for 21 Demetria." I said as she rolled her eyes. We approached the lady and grabbed 2 entry tickets for the two of us. We walked into the theme park and begin to wonder.

After an hour of rides and games, Demi and I decided to grab something to eat. "What would you like, Dems?" I turned to look at her. "Um, just a corndog please." She smiled and I nodded, ordering our food. "Here's your corndog."  I placed the food in her hands as I held the fries which I bought.

We walked around the theme park, talking as the day became night. "Do you remember that time when Carlos farted in the microphone at auditions?" Demi giggled. The moonlight shone against her vibrant hair and brought out her brown eyes. Her body perfectly curved and just right. She looked beautiful.

"Oh my gosh, yes. That was hilarious." I laughed, thinking back at our high school years. "I haven't seen the boys lately, where are they?" Demi took another bite of her food.

"Carlos is with Alexa, James probably out, Kendall with his brothers." I assumed. The last time I saw them was on Friday. Our group at school was always mischievous, we would always find ourselves in the principles office or getting into somewhat trouble.

"Logie, the fireworks are about to start!" Demi exclaimed. I looked up at the sky as lights filled it up. I felt Demi's head lean against my shoulder, I smiled and laced my fingers in hers. To me, Demi was my everything. She was the perfect friend and I couldn't ask for anyone better. Little did anyone know, I was falling for her. She was the only girl who could bring a smile to my face. She had this bubbly personality and was the most strongest person I know.

I heard a yawn escape from her mouth. "You ready to go home?" I asked softly as she just nodded with a slight grin. I pulled my fingers out of hers as we walk back into my car, driving off.

I liked the ending, hehe. I hope you read, comment and vote! :)

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