Chapter Twenty

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Demi Lovato

I sat down on the beach, Logan's legs wrapped around my waist as the wind blow's my brown hair. I laugh at Maddie who got splashed by Dallas. I smile widely, enjoying these last moments with my family and Logan. I Iean back, lying on Logan's chest as I fill the liquid from my oxygen tank fill my nose.

Logan places a kiss on my forehead. "Logie?" I ask, facing my head towards him. "Yes beautiful?" He places a piece of my hair behind my ear. " I want to go in the water." I say, staring at the pale blue ocean. I feel Logan get up, he places my oxygen tank on his shoulders, grabbing my hands and helping me up.

One arm holds my waist, helping me walk and the other holding my hand. I move my legs as fast I can, trying to keep my body up as my legs feel weak. I smile as the cool water hits my legs. I stand, looking out into the ocean as the sun beams onto my skin. I close my eyes, enjoying this moment as possible as I can. My moment is interrupted from a splash of water onto my body.

"Mum!" I squirm and giggle at the same time as my family begins splashing water around. I bend down, picking up water and slightly splashing it on Logan, I laugh as he begins splashing me back.

I wish this moment could last, this could possibly be the last time I even enjoy or see my family. This would have to be the most happiest moment I have ever experienced. I look around and see my parents filled with laughter. Maddie and Dallas smiling like crazy. And Logan, the most happiest person I've seen. I was caught off guard when a wave came and pushed us back, wetting us all. I couldn't help but laugh.

I sit curled up in Logan's lap as we watched the sunset. I smile as my family roasts marshmallows on the fire.

"Back to the hospital it is tonight Demi." I nodded as my father spoke. "I'm not too happy with that, I can't believe they let me out for a day but not a night." I sigh as I wrap the blanket around me, tighter.

"At least you got to spend some time out, baby." Logan said as he strokes my hair softly. I nodded in agreement. "Hopefully I get it again, I can't handle staying in that place." I added.

My family begins to place the stuff in the car as they leave Logan and I alone. I shift my body, facing him. I give him a smile as he uses both of his hands to stroke my face. A smile lingeres on his lips as the wind blows softly.

"You're so beautiful. I'm glad you're mine." He whispers softly, making my heart skip beat. "I love you so much." He added before placing his lips into mine. Our lips collided with one another as the sunset shone brightly, making this kiss romantic. I pull away, giving him a smile and biting my bottom lip.

"Remember me Logan." I whisper. He gives me a look. "Baby, don't say that, you're going to be around here for a long time." He chuckles softly, still stroking my face. But deep down I knew, I knew what was coming and no one was expecting it, but me. I knew that I was dying and I felt like tonight is the night my body will give in.

"I love you so much Logan, you're the best thing that has happened in my life, you're the only person who knows me so well. I can't thank you enough Logan, you're honestly my everything. Please, please do me a favour and keep smiling and being happy. You deserve it so much. I love you, okay?" I say before crashing  my lips against his before my parents breaks us up.

The nurses help me into the hospital bed as my family says there last goodbyes. I kiss each and everyone of them, telling them how I love them and what they mean to me, before giving the final goodbyes. I look over to Logan. giving him a smile.

"Sleep with me?" He nods and gets into the bed. His arms wrap tightly around my waist as our bodys are touching. I lean my head on his chest, hearing the sound of his heartbeat for the last time.

"I love you so much Logan." I peck his lips for the very last time before closing my eyes.

Logan Henderson

I wake up the very next morning with the sun shining brightly. I smile softly remembering yesterday. I look down to Demi, touching her hand as it was ice cold. Her face was pale and her chest wasn't rising or falling. I shake her slightly. "Demi, wake up baby." I say.

"Demi, wake up." I shake her again, a little stronger this time.

"Demi, baby wake up." I shake her until I break.

"No, no, no, no. Demi, please no. Don't leave me. Baby." I cry into her cold, pale body.

"Demi!" I scream, as I cry harder. "Demi wake up, come on!" I scream again as nurses rush in, witnessing what's going on.

"Logan it's okay, she's in peace. Let's go." A nurse tried to calm me down but I refused. She got me out of the bed as the other nurses covered Demi with her sheets.

"No! I lost the love of my life." I fall to the ground, letting out all the pain. Demi was the only person I loved, the only person who made my stomach flip, the only person who brightened my day. She became the best thing that I ever had.

And I truly loved her.

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