Chapter Seven

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Logan Henderson

"Maybe you shouldn't come back, maybe you shouldn't come back to me."

"Tired of being so sad, tired of getting so mad, baby."

"Stop, right now, you only let me down, oh oh."

"Maybe you shouldn't come back, maybe you shouldn't come back to me."

I heard the familiar voice and the strumming as the melody poured out. I walked into the lounge room to see Demi playing the guitar with lyrics in front of her.

"Beautiful." I smiled as she turned her head to face me. Her face lit up with joy, I sat beside her.

"You know, Kendall is a pro at this, maybe you should play with him sometime." I grabbed the guitar off of her, looking at each compartment. I heard a small chuckle come from her.

"Forget Kendall, what about you? I know you can sing and play." I stared at her, knowing it's true but not wanting to admit it.

"Oh, c'mon you were in the boys choir in grade 7. You think I forget things?" She laughed. "I was, Lovato, WAS." I laughed along with hers. The laughter faded out as a whisper escaped. "Play for me." I stared at her in disbelief. I haven't played since year 8, my music passion stopped.

She gave me a look, encouraging me to play. I sighed, placing the guitar in the right position, fiddling at the strings, finding the cords I remember. Soonly a tune began to play, the familiar song which I wrote. My voice didn't make any sound, my fingers did the work. Travelling across the guitar making the melody. I saw a smile appear on Demi's face, I couldn't help but smile back.

I eventually stopped and placed the guitar back down, staring at it. "See! You still have it in you." I looked at her, smiling. I placed a small kiss on her lips. Her skin tone changed, going from dark to white. Her body looked weaker. Her eyes shot out as she jumped out, running to the bathroom. "Demi!" I followed behind her, holding her hair back. I rubbed her back as the bile came out.

She stopped and fell to the side of the wall, her body weaken each second. "Baby, what's wrong?" I flushed the toilet and sat beside her, pulling her into my arms, holding her close.

"Nothing." She murmured. I sighed, knowing she was hiding something from me. "Demi, tell me." She shut her eyes and leaned back onto my chest.

"Probably a virus." I kissed her cheek before lifting her up. and bringing her back to the couch. I placed her down, grabbing a blanker from the other chair. I wrapped it around her, as she leaned against the pillow, closing her eyes again.

There was something going on with Demi, something didn't seem right. She was constantly sick. Whether it was throwing up, a cough, tiredness or weakness. Something just did not seem right. My thoughts wandered to endless possibilities and outcomes. She has the flu. What if she has a critical disease? She probably just has a weak immune system. But, what if it's life threatening? No, she probably just has the virus. I spoke to myself in my head, staring over at the sleeping girl. I sighed staring at how fragile she looked.

Demi Lovato

I woke up to an empty house. Logan was no where to be seen. I saw a note on the coffee table in front of me.

"Gone to get some food. Logan xx"

I read it and then layed back down on the couch, groaning. My head was spinning and my body ached, every single inch of it felt like it was being hit. The pain was unbearable. I shut my eyes, hoping it would ease the spinning. My arms felt weak, even lifiting it was an effort. I turned on my phone staring at the time. 5 pm. My eyes widen realizing it was already April and I only had 10 more months left to live. I forced myself up, walking up the stairs slowly, using all my strength.

I go into my bedside table, searching for my song book. Once I found it, I opened up the back page and grabbed the pen on the side of it. Crossing off number 5, which has happened. I re read over my list, trying how to figure out how to fit all this in. I circled number 1 for the next thing to happen. Before I could shut the book close, I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly changed the pages to one of the songs I wrote.

"What you up too?" I felt his arms wrap around me. He whispers in my ear. "Just rereading over some song lyrics and editing." I lied. I felt bad for hiding this from him but I couldn't tell him, not just yet.

"Let's go and eat." He grabbed his hand in mine, leading me down the stairs. I sat down as Logan placed the chicken soup in front of me. "Just because you're sick." He gave me a warming smile as I began eating.

"How about tomorrow we go to the doctors, you know to check you out and all?" Logan asked. I felt my heart drop knowing that Dr Smith would tell Logan the truth. "Uh yeah sure." I hesitated, not wanting to go. Logan would be heartbroken if he found out the truth and that I have been lying to him for quite some time.

"Alright, I'll make the phone call later tonight."

Hope you enjoy! Please comment and vote. :)

If you're wondering what Demi's bucket list is, here it is . :)

Bucket List

1) Get another tattoo

2) dye hair pink

3) Shave half of my hair

4) Go to paris

5) Fall in love

6) Record an album

7) Perform somewhere

8) Spend all the time I can with my family and Logan

9) Visit Timberline Knolls

10) Just to be happy

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