Chapter Eleven

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Demi Lovato

"Now I'm a warrior

I've got thicker skin

I'm a warrior

I'm stronger than I've ever been

And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in

I'm a warrior

And you can never hurt me again

No, oh, yeah yeah.

You can never hurt me again"

I sing into the microphone in front of me before pulling off the headphones and placing them on the stand, with a grin on my face.

"That's a wrap Demi! Wow I can't believe its only taken two months to write and record 54 songs. You're such an amazing singer." My producer, Steve says as he edits the final songs.

"Thank you for everything. I love this album so much." We exchange hugs before he gives me the CD in it's case. "I hope I get to see you around soon, I would love to hear these songs on the radio." I laugh at his comment, realizing that it would never happen.

"Maybe, just maybe." I smile at him while collecting my song book, I quickly flip to the back, reading over my bucket list. I crossed off 'write an album', 'shave half of hair' and 'dye hair pink' before closing my book and placing it in my handbag. I pulled Steve into a hug before leaving the studio.

Once I arrive home, I go into the shower, enjoying the water run down my tired body. I coughed slightly, feeling my chest ache. I began washing my hair and my body before Logan came home. Over the past two months, a lot has happened. Logan moved in and our relationship has grown. My illness is taking over everything. My whole body is weak and tired, I'm surprised I can even keep myself standing it up.

I turn off the tap and collect the towels hanging on the rack, one to cover my body and the other to wrap around my hair. I walk out of the bathroom, searching for clothes to wear to Maddie's 12th birthday party. I felt arms grip around my waist and a breath tickle my neck. My body falls into his touch.

"Why don't you take off that towel and show me what's behind it?" Logan whispered in my ear, making my body tingle. I move my body to face him.

"You can wait a little longer for that." I giggle slightly before pecking his nose. He rolls his eyes before gathering his things to have a shower. I pick out my black jeans with rips in it. I put on a white top underneath with my leather jacket ontop. Once Logan walks out of the bathroom, I go back in.

I comb my hair before blowdrying my hair and then curling it with the straightener. I feel eyes on me. I shift my head to the side, seeing Logan standing at the doorway as I apply my foundation and powder.

"You do know that you don't need make up to look beautiful?" I give him a warm smile before applying eyeliner and mascara. I hear a small sigh escape from his lips.

"What's wrong baby?" I say whilst finishing up my make up. I pack my stuff away and stare at him.

"I just want you to feel good in your skin without wearing make up." His hands rest on my hips. I stare into his brown eyes, seeing the lust.

"I do and I have you to make me feel beautiful." I graze my lips against his before pecking him. I put on my shoes and collect Maddies gift and my handbag. I take Logan's hand as we walk to the car together.

Once we get in, Logan begins to drive off. I arrive at my families home, Logan laces his fingers in mine as we walk through the door and outside, seeing all the familiar faces.

"Demi, baby!" My mum comes out to me, pulling me in for a hug. "Logan!" She gives Logan a hug before grinning at me. "I'm going to get a drink, babe." Logan smiles before walking off.

"So, what's new and how are you feeling?" I walk with my mum as we make our way over to Maddie and her group of friends. "Well, i completed my album and I'm feeling alright." I smile at my mother as she nods.

"You have to perform one of the songs tonight, okay?" I nod before pulling Maddie into a loving hug. "Happy birthday beautiful." I place the present in her hands before she opens it. Her mouth drops open staring at the necklace with our names engraved into it. "Demi! I love it, thank you!" She gives me a quick hug before running off to her friends.

As the night goes on, I sit down on the chair which is in the centre of the people. I hold the guitar in my hand and a microphone on the stand in front of me.

"This song I'm going to perform tonight is called Nightingale. I wrote this song about this particular person." I stare at Logan as I spoke, he gave me a grin. I begin playing the cords and strumming the guitar before singing.

I can't sleep tonight, wide awake and so confused

Everything's in line, but I am bruised

I need a voice to echo, I need a light to take me home

I kinda need a hero, is it you?"

Once I played the final cord, I heard everyone cheering I gave a small smile before leaving to go inside. I hold the kitchen bench to support my body. My head spins in circles, making the surroundings blurry. I felt my stomach twist and turn in knots. I feel my skin change to pale as the noise begins to drain out. My body aches before i fall to the floor. I hear noise surrounding me. The voices were unclear. Suddenly the spinning stopped as everything went dark.

Logan Henderson

I begin following Demi inside, pushing through the people. I see Demi holding onto the kitchen bench with pale skin. I quickly run inside, as Demi fell to the ground. I rush to her side, holding her head in my lap. "Demi, baby, can you hear me?" I stroke the side of her face as her eyes were slowy closing.

I see people staring as their talking grows louder. Dallas runs to Demi side as Dianna is on the phone with the ambulance. "You'll be fine Demi, I promise." I whisper into her ear as sirens arrive at their home. I stare over at Maddie with tears streaming down her face, curled into a ball in the corner. The paramedics remove Demi from me. I walk over to a reckless Maddie and cradle her in my arms, stroking her hair. I feel the tears sting in my eyes, from seeing her pain.

"She's dying Logan, she's going to die." She sobbed into my chest. Those words cut like knives, stabbing me through the heart. "Don't say that, she'll be fine, I promise." I kiss her temple, rocking her back and forth and the paramedics pull Demi into a stretcher before taking her into the car.

I'm sorry that this is terrible but I'm running out of ideas and I will start skipping a few months. Please comment and vote. x

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