Chapter Twenty-Two

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warning: cause language.

Logan Henderson

I sit on the bar stool, drinking down the beer in front of me. Time is going by slowly as I stare at the clock on the bar. Tick tick tick. That was all that was going through my mind.

I take another sip, feeling wet tears touch my face, ever since Demi has been gone, I've been at the bar all day and all night. Drinking away my misery. No one has called, no one has came by. Not even my own family. I was alone and it hurt.

I take in all the beer left in the glass before asking for another. My vision was blurred from the alcohol and the tears. The room was spinning and my words were slurred.

It's been a whole week without Demi and I can't cope. I miss feeling her soft lips on mine, her beautiful smile, her laugh, her voice, everything. She was the happiness in my life. Now that the happiness is gone, sadness has overtook, leaving me with nothing.

I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Kendall, glaring at me. Why was he angry? What did I even do to him? He hasn't even bothered to call or message.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He said sternly.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so angry at me?" I answered back.

"Can't you see what you're doing to yourself? You're drinking your life away all because you lost Demi. Yes, I understand that you loved her and miss her. But you need to move on and live your life." Kendall said.

His words made my blood boil. Move on? It has been a fucking week. A week and already I have to move on.

"I still love her, I have never stopped. How can I fucking move on even though it's been a bloody week?" I yelled in his face, I stood up, trying to get my balance from the alcohol I've had.

"Look at you! You can't even stand." He shook his head.

My heart raced and my hands balled into fists due to the anger that I was bottling up. I raised my hand and punched Kendall in the face.

Taken back by my actions, I step back, feeling more hot tears race down my face.

"You're a wreck. Can't believe you would do that. You're fucking hopeless." He spat. He threw a punch back at me. This time, I couldn't take and I tackled him to the ground.

Kneeing him in the stomach and repeatedly hit him. I felt Kendall punch me in the stomach, causing me to scream, but it didn't make me stop hitting him.

I felt arms pull me away, I turned to face the person. It was a police officer. He grabbed my two hands and cuffed them behind my back.

"You're under arrest for abuse to another man." He lead me and put me into the car.

I sat behind the cell, thinking and over thinking.

I'm in jail. I've beaten up my best friend. I've lost Demi. My family doesn't even contact me anymore.

Those were the thoughts that kept spinning around my mind.

I hear the cell door open and the police officer was standing there. I looked up to see Dallas, with a small smile upon her lips.

"Logan, you've been bailed out. Don't you dare get yourself into any other trouble, is that clear?" I nodded and began walking away with Dallas, it was silent until we reached the car.

"Logan, what's going on? In jail for beating up your own best friend?" She began as she pulled out of the parking lot.

I shrugged, not wanting to comment.

"It looks like you haven't eaten, slept or showered in days." She stated.

"A week approximately." Her eyes widened at my response.

"Logan, you're staying at my house until you get better. What have you been doing for a week exactly?"

"At the bar, drinking. No, I'm fine Dallas. Just drop me home." I said.

"There's no way I'm leaving you alone. You have a drinking problem? When the hell did this start?" She pulled up to my drive way and looked at me for an answer.

"After Demi died." She sighed deeply. "We'll finish this conversation in a minute. But let's go and get your belongings and lock up the house before coming back to mine." I nodded and did was she told me to do.

Dallas waited for me with the door wide open, with something tucked underneath her arm, I brushed it off.

We got back into the car and she placed the envelope into my lap. I stared at it as I saw a smile lingere on her face.

I opened it up and it was the same cursive hand writing.

Dear Logan,

For what I know, it's been a week since I passed away and I completely understand how rough this week has been for you. But whatever you do, don't get yourself into trouble. Don't drink away the pain, don't even think of doing anything I've done to myself.

You need to trust me or Dallas or my mum. Even your friends. They will be there to guide you. Don't push them away, just listen and they'll help. I want you to know that I am with you every step of the way, in spirit.

I love you baby.

Demi xo

I broke down into tears, right in front of Dallas. Re reading each word over and over again.

"I've let her down, Dallas. I've let her down." I whispered.

"No, you haven't. Trust me." I nodded. I had to trust Dallas, only because Demi told me too.

We reached Dallas' home which was with her parents and Maddie. I grabbed my belongings, still holding onto that letter. I walked into the house, forcing a smile on my lips.

"Logan!" I heard Dianna say, her smile faded once she saw the way I looked, still in the same outfit from the funeral.

"Oh Logan." She shook her head and pulled me into a hug. "Let's get you cleaned up." I nodded.

I'm sorry if this was boring x

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