Chapter 3- Zack's dare

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~Jin's POV~

"You mad?" Dylan said catching up to me.

After the incident, the coach ordered the class to walk a mile around the track while he looked for Quinn. Come to find out the REAL Hannah came to class and we discovered that Quinn's friend was skipping. She was sent to the principals office. I don't know where Quinn went but I hope she doesn't come back. Not after how Dylan called her a whale. I kind of felt bad for her. The more I thought of the incident, the angrier I got.

"Come on Jin..why are you mad?" He said poking me again

I pushed him back " I told you not to poke me!"

Dylan almost knocked into three freshmen girls. His smile turned into a complete frown once he got his balance together "did you really just push me?" He asked walking towards me slowly. I knew he was going to try to get me back for the push and I was ready to knock some complete sense into his head.

Luckily Zack and his brother got in between us. "Come on guys! Stop this, we are friends remember?" He said now holding me back while his brother held Dylan back.

I backed away from him. I hated when people touched me. "You guys are so can you bully someone you don't know-

"Bully? I told the coach we were talking about whales, why did you assume I was talking about that girl Quinn? Unless you believe she looks like a whose the real bully here?" Dylan asked smirking. It made me want to punch him in the face.

I rolled my eyes and started walking away from them. I heard them running towards me. "Okay you can't get at mad at me over a fat chick, come on what's really the matter?" Dylan asked putting his hand on my shoulder to halt me.

Even though he was a dick. He was the only one that knew me better then anyone.

"Is it Roxy?" He asked

The sound of her name made me wince. I really wasn't looking forward on seeing her again. Don't get me wrong, she is a total babe but all she talks about is herself. I've been trying to break up with her for the longest but she never once let me to. She was too busy talking about herself. I wasted two years of my life dating a girl that doesn't know anything about me. Today she wants me to take her out to dinner, and it's my chance to finally let her go.

"Just break up with her Jin! She's annoying anyways" Dylan said

Zack started laughing "oh yeah? But didn't you try to get with her in sixth grade...but she rejected your ass"

Dylan shrugged "it was a blessing in disguise..look what she did to Jin..turned him into a straight pussy"

Zack nodded agreeing "yeah, what happened to the savage Jin? The one that broke hearts? The one that didn't give a fuck? Roxy turned you into a straight housewife, because she clearly wears the pants in yall's relationship" he added, dabbing Dylan like this was suppose to make me feel better. I sighed and looked for Nick to defend me like he usually does but I caught him staring at something. I stopped walking and followed his eyes.

It was Quinn

She was on the bleachers looking like she was melting to death. Even far away we could see the sweat pouring down her face. It's like 100 degree outside and she refuses to take of her heavy clothes. She was wearing sweatpants and a sweater as if it was winter.

"Wow....could you guys see her with someone?" Zack asked

"No!" Nick and Dylan said at the same time

"Hmmm...what about I dare one of you guys to ask her out and date her for a week...let's spice up our first day"

"What?!" I said almost screaming. "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

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