Chapter 30- The Fight

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I couldn't sleep.

I should have just told him everything. I just didn't want to hurt him. That was my biggest fear. He was already going through so much and I just didn't want to add on to his misery.

But now I feel like I should have just told him.

You move on that fast?

Those words hit me hard. I thought marrying his brother was what he wanted. I reckon he would want Matt taking care of the children and I other then some other guy.

It was almost midnight and I still couldn't fall asleep. I eventually made up my mind that I would tell Jin everything. I was tired of hiding something so big from him. It's better he found out now then later.


I woke up around 12 in the afternoon. I jumped off the bed upset with myself. Usually I wake up early in the morning to make some breakfast for the kids. Then I would bathe them and place warm clothes on their tiny little bodies. But here I was hours late. I dashed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked out the room and was stunned to see Jin and our children in the living room.

He was already dressed. He had on some jeans and a white T-shirt. He was in the process of tying Juniors shoes. I was not only impressed but surprised that Junior allowed him to tie his shoes. Dream was on the Jin's back giggling and tugging on his hair. She had on a pink dotted dress while Junior was dressed in his overalls.

Where were they going?

I walked over to them and Dream spotted me first "you're awake!" She said jumping off her fathers back. I lifted her up and gave her a hug in greeting. "Yeah, where are you guys going?"

"Ice cream!" Junior responded with a bright smile.

Jin kept his eyes concentrated on Juniors shoe laces. Once he tied the knot, he let his son loose to greet me. Then he slowly rose up and still frowning he said "yeah, we are going out for ice cream, want to join?"

"Were you planning on not inviting me at all?" I said a little hurt. Jin shrugged "well I didn't want to wake you"

I crossed my arms getting angry. Okay I get it, I made a mistake but he didn't have be petty. He knows I love to be around my kids. Especially when they were about to go get some ice cream. "So are you going to get ready or just stand there?" He said so cold that it instantly reminded me of how mean he could be.

I looked down and Junior was tugging on my leg to hurry up. He loved ice cream. It was like an addiction he could not avoid. Dream though caught on to the strong tension. She fell silent and waited for me to respond.

I faked a smile so she wouldn't worry. "Right, give me a second" I said

I raced to my bedroom and grabbed a beautiful strapless dress Jin picked out for me yesterday. He loved bright colors on me. So a bright cherry red really complimented my skin and exaggerated my curves in a positive way. I wanted to flaunt them in his face.

I placed my hair into a bun and wore some very light make up. Then I picked out some pumps to wear. Satisfied with my appearance, I walked out the room. I flinched when I spotted Jin at the door. He skimmed my body before whispering "we aren't going to the strip club you know that right?"


He looked me up and down one last time "we are not going to the strip club"

I gritted my teeth and repeated "what?!"

He walked closer and rose his voice a little bit "we are not going to the-

"I know what you said!"

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