Chapter 15-Snake

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It all make sense. No wonder they never thought I was even myself. Everyone thought I was DEAD! I mean I attempted to kill myself but Jackson and my mom saved me. Why would he tell Jin and everyone else that I was gone? Why would he do something so fucking stupid! No wonder he told me to stay away from Jin after all these years! He tried so hard to keep us apart. It explains why he didn't call or check up on me.

I should be upset but I slightly felt happy. He wasn't as heartless after all. But then again, he did go on with that stupid dare.

It doesn't matter. I was tired of waiting! I wanted to tell him everything. This was my moment.

I'll curse out Jackson later.

"You okay?" Matt said feeling my face once more. This time I allowed him to. His finger stroked my nose before going down and resting on my lips. He just kept it there for the longest. He looked so much like Jin with only minor differences. "So I'm guessing it was all lies, your brother made it up?"


"Why would he do something like that?"

I shrugged and I know he felt my movement. "You know, It broke Jin down"

I felt my heart, I didn't want to hear how bad Jin felt. He dated me all because of a dare. He lost his virginity to me all for a dare. He played with my feelings all for a dare. I would always be haunted over that. Always.

"You didn't deserve all that Quinn. Just go talk to him. I'm sure he would be more then ecstatic to know you are not dead" he chuckled; finger still on my lips. I stepped back and he reacted by stepping closer. He shifted his gaze to my lips and I had to ask him "are you really blind?"

He grinned showing me his perfect white smile. "Sadly. Unless you want to donate your eyes to me"

I giggled and got closer; watching his eyes follow my every movement. How was he able to tell where I was going? How was he able to look directly into my eyes?

"Do you know what you look like?"

Matt shrugged "I have a pretty good idea. What do you think?"

Um you're hot duh.

"You look good" I said smiling even wider remembering he can't see my facial expression. And just like that, he touched my face again. "You're smiling, do I look that good?"

This is so wrong. I'm flirting with Matt. But he was making it so easy. He was the type of guy to goof with you without any judgment. He made it so easy to communicate with him. I loved being around him. He was genuinely nice.

I suddenly got a horrible feeling. I started looking around for Dream. It was too quiet. I spotted her a little far from us. She was facing a really big tree; standing frozen like a statue. I couldn't see her face but she never stands that still. Never. "Come on, lets go see what's up with Dream" I said grabbing onto Matt's hand.

He had a firm grip on it. I looked at his face and he had a worried look "Do you hear that?" He gasped

"What?" I said standing still listening.

A little hiss that was hard to hear erupted.

That's when Matt let loose and ran to the direction of Dream. I was not far from him. When we got close I stopped Matt from getting closer. A really long venomous snake was challenging Dream.

The snake was really long. It had its whole body standing up; sticking out its tongue at my daughter. Dream just stared wide eyed at it; shaking with so much fear.

This wasn't good. My daughter is allergic to snakes. She gets really bad rashes from it. One time it got so bad because she accidentally touched a snake when she was two and her whole face swelled up. That snake could end her life right there. My motherly instincts kicked in and I attempted to wrestle that darn snake but Matt stopped me. "I got it, don't move"

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