Chapter 13-Dream

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"Matt stop playing" Jin said

"I may have met her once, but she definitely sounds and feels like her" Matt started trying to get ahold of me again but I slithered behind Cindy. I really wanted to get out of there, I wasn't prepared for my identity to be revealed already. Damn I didn't even tell Jin about Dream and here goes his brother blurting out my existence.

A blind guy knew who I was before anyone else did.

"Hello, can we continue this first?" Dylan yelled out not realizing what the commotion was all about.

Jin had a stone face. He brushed passed his brother and faced Cindy and I. For a second I thought maybe he could see it. But his lethal glare had my heart racing with fear. Why was I scared of him? Is this what they were trained to do? Intimidate others with only their eyes.

Jin places both hands behind his back and whispered to us "why were you two late?"

"Late?" I whispered back. So he refuses to acknowledge what his brother just revealed? Did he hate me that much to not even mention me? Maybe he forgot. Or maybe he knows, is that why he's acting so heartless towards me? I was so confused.

I could tell Cindy was thinking the same thing.

This was definitely not the same sweet Jin. Something bad probably happened to him to make him this evil.

"We are not late, it said arrive here by 1pm." Cindy said

Jin nodded "what time is it then?"

I pulled out my phone and checked the time.


Jin suddenly snatched the phone from my fingertips so rough, it broke my nail. "Hey!" I said trying to grab the phone from him. He held it up high and gave me a slight warning "did you read the instructions? No cell phones. So since you two broke two rules, you will be punished"

"What?!" Cindy and I both yelled out

He placed my phone in his pocket. Then slowly pointed to the front of the stage. "Push ups, fifty of them, now"

Cindy and I both stared at each-other and repeated "what?!"

That's when Jin got in my face; he was so close I could smell his minty fresh breath. "Don't tell me you're deaf. I said push ups, now! You want to fight for this country right? Well you better learn how to follow the rules, so go and do those push ups-

"Or what?!" Cindy said pushing me aside and getting in Jin's face. He didn't even flinch. "Or get out!" He barked so loud it had my whole body start quivering. Cindy gritted her teeth and balled her fists "are you seriously getting butt hurt because we brought our cellphones?"

A lot of the trainees in the back stared giggling. Some stayed quiet, fearful that Cindy had the balls to say this. Jin frowned and said "oh so you brought yours too? Hand it over."


"Then that makes it 100 push ups, now move it" he said pointing to the front. When we didn't budge he slowly smirked "just like I thought. You both can't handle this type of environment. You won't last. Both of you are weak inside and out, I would recommend you go back home and do what girly girls usually do, we don't need it here or in the army" then without another word he brushed passed us like we were scum

He embarrassed us.

In front of everyone

I found myself storming out. I kept telling myself to not cry, but the tears just involuntarily spilling out. I never felt so humiliated in my life. Not since what happened few years ago. I don't even think I ever wanted to tell Jin about Dream. He doesn't deserve to know it. I don't think he would even make a good father. He was so mean!

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