Chapter 31-bad blood

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"Where is my brother?" Matt repeated taking off his shades. I could see now that his eyes were soaked with tears. I didn't know whether to feel scared, guilty, or sad for him. I hesitated on opening the door wider. The only thing that left my mouth was "how did you find us?"

"You're my wife Quinn. My wife." Then he pulled out his cell phone and revealed me some text messages he sent to Jin "I knew you would be with him, as soon as I found out he was alive, I just knew you would run back to him, so I had to ask him where he was" he then slowly placed the cell phone back in his pocket and frowned "may I come in?"

"You-you drove all the way here? All by yourself?" I said trying so hard to make up questions in my head to stall time. I couldn't believe how terrified I was of him. I was shaking so bad I couldn't control it. Matt wiped his eyes and forced a smile. A smile that anyone could tell wasn't genuine. We just stood there. Not saying anything. It was not until Jason popped out of no where that I sighed with relief. "Hey Quinn!" He waved carrying a suitcase behind him. He pulled it forward and said "I'm sure this was something you weren't expecting"


Jason placed a hand on Matt's shoulder and cheesed "Look who came out of hiding" he then slapped his shoulder and smiled "he wanted to surprise Jin, I'm sorry for not letting you know, but I wasn't sure if you would break the news or not"

I blinked twined and grabbed on to my chest "oh, yeah. You both are here for Jin?"

Jason shook his head and patted Matt's shoulder. "No, I don't want to be a bother. I just came to drop off my brother so-

"No! Don't go!" I blurted out.

Both brothers jumped at my outburst. I did not want Jason to leave me alone with Matt. No. I was too nervous on what he would do. Would he tell Jin everything? Would he hit me again? How would he feel after I told him that I didn't want this marriage anymore? What would he do with the kids? They are legally his.

I cleared my throat already sensing  the awkwardness "I uh- I want you to stay. Please!" I said almost demanding it. "You want me to stay? Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother" Jason said leaning the suitcase at the edge of the doorway. I knew it wasn't his.

Matt was planning on staying.

I literally grabbed on to his arm and pulled him in "of course! You're family remember!" I then accidentally pushed him on the couch a little hard and turned on the television "Jin should be back soon. So just rest, I'm sure that long drive has your ass hurting" I said grinning. He stared at me with such concern. I grabbed the remote and threw it at him "watch anything. It's fine, make yourself at home" I then turned around, only to smack my face on Matt's chest. I didn't even get a chance to jump back because he held on to me. I felt his lips lightly peck my ear before he whispered "let's talk"

"I'm good"

He grabbed onto my wrist and said "that wasn't a question. We are going to talk. Now" then he takes me out the room. He shuts the door and turns and faces me "You left me bleeding to death" he hissed. He showed me his bandaged calf. He then limped closer to me. "You literally left me to die"

I crossed my arms "you hit me."

He raised one of his eyebrows and sighed "I apologize Quinn. I didn't mean to do just-you're just so ungrateful that it aggravated me extremely" he said making sure to speak in a low tone so no one would hear.

"Ungrateful? How am I ungrateful?" I didn't want him to start putting the blame on me. I did nothing wrong for him to hit me. I should be the one angry that he kept secrets from me "when were you going to tell me about Jin? You never told me he was in a coma Matt."

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