Chapter 12-The sexy blind brother

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So Sophia

She went from a brunette, to blonde and now she dyed her hair silver. I couldn't even be mad, made her look really beautiful. I mean she already is drop dead gorgeous, she got thicker with more developed assets. But, she was still ugly on this inside. Our history was too bad. I didn't hate her, but I disliked her.

And now, she went from dating my brother, to dating my ex boyfriend.

Jin and Sophia had one thing in common.

They were my bullies

I picked up my giggling daughter and watched the couple. Sophia had already let go of Jin. She fixed her hair into a tight bun and showed him the spilled coffee on her leg as if he had the power to make it vanish.

So pathetic

She started to flick daggers at me "children are not allowed here, try not to bring her with you next time" she hissed.

"What? You bumped into us first!" Cindy said coming to my defense

Appalled Sophia placed both hands on her hips "I bumped you yes, but the little girl purposely tripped me with her tiny foot."

"The little girl has a name!" Cindy fired back "god lets pray you never have children, you would be an awful mother"

"Excuse me?" Sophia said walking up to get into Cindy's face. I hugged Dream tightly already knowing what was going to happen. Sophia had no chance with Cindy. My brother has been training her real hard, she was into boxing and planned to make a career out of it.

Jin quickly got in between the girls. He lightly pushed his girlfriend out the way and turned to Cindy and I "no children okay" then he eyed me "will I be expecting you at boot camp?"

Cindy looked over her shoulders and winked at me before smiling. "Yes you will! I'm signing up myself"

I could see Sophia rolling her eyes. "Great."

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Dream mumbled before poking out her lower lip. I already knew the tears were about to come out. So I tried to cut the conversation short by asking for another pamphlet for Cindy. Jin grabbed Sophia and they both went back inside the office. Dylan stayed and apologized for Sophia outbursts "she's doesn't like kids"

Cindy rolled her eyes "What a shocker"

I'm surprised Sophia didn't even recognize Cindy. I mean Cindy didn't even change that much. She was our best friend for some time before she started to be a bully, so I was surprised she didn't recognize either of us.

Jin was the only one that came out the room. One hand held a pamphlet and the other held a big honey bun. He handed Cindy the pamphlet, then he walked towards me. I held my breath so hard I thought I'd faint at any second. He stopped midway and stared at my little girl in my arms. Jin still had that nonchalant look as he gave Dream the honeybun. She looked at it for a few seconds before grabbing it quickly as if he was going to change his mind. As soon as she had it in her tiny little fingers, she hid her face on my boob like she usually does when she's shy.

Jin attempted to smile but stopped mid way before turning back to a frown.

Ok Kanye West

"You know, that little girl kind of looks like you. Same eyes, same skin, same facial structure" Dylan blurted out staring between Jin and Dream.

I looked over at Cindy and she had the widest eyes ever. "Uh well...

Jin crosses his arms. We could tell he was irritated "I'll see you two in a week. The location and time is all on the pamphlet. Just call the office if you have any questions"

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