life changing smiles

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As life is unfair
As a snap of the fingers
And a yell at your face
You can lose it al
With no excuse

And when you're mad about it
They just laugh at you
Making you more angry
As they ask you why

And as you just ignore them
and stare away
To save them the pain
They will push their ignorant question
With that stupid grin on their face

Till you snap
And tell them to leave you alone
As they don't understand
The rage you hold

They'll laugh and grin
But will soon realise their mistakes
As they've done this multiple times
And as you have fought so brave
To not get them hurt by your words
And your deeds

But this was the last drop
They've crossed the line
And you don't ever want to see
Their ignorant smiles again

And they keep smiling
Until you grab that bag
And walk it across the house
Grabbing what you need

Soon they realise
That you had the last laugh
That you smiled the brightest
As they know
it's the last one that they'll see

As you finally feel free
As you've changed your life
As you only needed

That one bag
Those few clothes
Their money in your pocket
And that last step out of home

As their smiles are no more
As they realise their stupidity
For their questions

As you bravely walk away
Ignoring their yells of despite
As they want to keep you captive
In their little lies

As you are now free
Free from their rules
Free from their faults
Free from their idiocy

And you will smile
As you know you did right
And you can do what you want
With out their opinion

As they've changed your life
With a single smile

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