Chapter 5: New Alliance

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As Hedvig angrily rushed away, she couldn't think of a better place than the beach to go. She loved to go to the waterside, when she wanted to be alone. Not many people wandered there, especially after the sunset, however it has a perk of an overlook on the docks, which were always busy and it was exciting to just watch them. As she lumped down into the sand, not very elegantly, she couldn't help, but growl to herself irritatedly. She was such a fool to believe Ragnar! She promised to herself, she will never repeat this mistake again.

Hedvig slowly calmed down as she watched the peaceful tides smoothly washing over the shore. She was thinking about going home, when a thought came rushing into her mind. She left her basket with the herbs somewhere along the way today! She quickly got up and swept off the sand from her dress and was just about to go and find her herbs, when she heard footsteps behind her. As Hedvig turned around, she faced with a smirking Harald.

"Hedvig, what a coincidence! I was looking for you!" He said as he spread his arms, one of his hands holding a basket. Hedvig's eyes lingered on it and he followed her gaze. "If I am not mistaken, this is yours" Harald stated as he reached out the herbs toward her.

"Thank you" she took it away and was about to leave when the king continued.

"You was in such a hurry, you left it in the great hall. Could you make up with Ragnar? What was the reason behind his rejection?" He asked leaning closer to her curiously.

"I couldn't convince him, because he promised to my father that he would keep me safe, I said him this is not a way to do so, but he didn't listened. I suppose I will just remain here and wait for an opportunity to convince him. Unless..." a thought occurred in her mind "Unless you are looking for a skilled shieldmaiden to join you on the raid." She suggested, hope gathering up in her. Harald looked like it was his purpose at first hand when he went to search for her, but he tried to hide his joy with a regretting smile.

"I don't know Hedvig, I don't want to be up against Ragnar" he acted like it wasn't his plan to convince her. On the inside he was glad she suggested it herself. Hedvig could see through him, so she played along. She leant closer amd whispered into his ear.

"I didn't get to know you as a man who would fear an other man." She stated and leant back, expecting a win in this case. A huge smile expanded on Harald's face.

"You are right, darling, you can't imagine how right you are." He laughed. "You are more than welcomed on my ship. And you will travel with me and my brother."

"It's a honor..." she hesitated for a moment "my king." This totally surprised Harald.

"I am already your king?" He chuckled.

"If I am sailing under your flag then yes, you are." After this statement he nodded approvingly and she started to leave.

"We are going to have a good time." He shouted after her, still enjoying how the events played in his favor.

a.n.: I am so excited because of the next chapter, you know who is coming, right? 🙄🙄🙄

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