Chapter 17: Crazy

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Hedvig looked up to the high cliffs towering over her, anxiety growing inside her. Heights always frightened the woman, she nevet understood why. She tried to concentrate on the rocking ship underneath her feet. The familiar  movements and the safety of the water calming her nerves.

Hedvig didn't pay attention to the discussion in the front of the ship, until she heard a raised voice.

"We are going to lift the boats up the cliff." Ragnar exclaimed, leaving a dead silence among the others who gathered around him. "Then we are going to carry them across the mountains, past the forts, and then simply slide them back into the river. Upstream." he continued, his usual smirk on his lips.

"Carry them? Up there?" Björn asked back with a surprised face, he looked like he really questioned his father's sanity. Hedvig approached the talking men to learn what is going on exactly.

"Yes. Up there" Ragnar nodded confidently. "You can do that, can't you, Floki? Or am I wrong?" He looked toward Floki.

"I can do it, Ragnar. I can do it for you." Floki answered slowly.

"Let's empty the boats." Ragnar stated, a smile spreading across his face.

Hedvig couldn't help, but be skeptical, she glanced toward the brothers and saw something similar to her doubt. As she looked back up the cliff, fear bubbled up inside her, she will have to climb up to top of it and just the thought scared her. She didn't have a choice, so she just went on to do her duty around the ships.

Halfdan observed her from afar, worry lacing his features, as he could see how frightened she looked in the shadows of the cliff. He wanted to help her, soothe and support her in her trouble.

Harald looked at his brother noticing the changes on his face as he was watching the shieldmaiden before them and he didn't liked the gentle tone in his eyes.

"Come brother, we have work to do" Harald snapped Halfdan out of his staring, patting his shoulder and leading him away.


I don't know what is this, it was never planned, but the end is near my dear readers.

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