Chapter 18: Walking ships

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Moving the ships through the land wasn't easy, but lifting up them to the cliffs were even harder. Hedvig was helping on the ground, afraid to look up, but she couldn't hide away. The time has come when she couldn't delay it anymore. Just one ship remained on the water, she must go up with it. Panic rose inside her as she stepped on the ship.

Hedvig checked everything on the ship one last time, before she signaled it's good to go. The ship started to slowly emerge. In the last moment someone stepped onto the ship. When she looked up she could see Halfdan standing there, his usual smirk on his face.

"What? You thought I would let you go alone?" He asked with a cheerful voice. His presence brought up a smile on her lips and she forgot about her troubles as he stepped before her and put his hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him. A blush spread across her face, so she looked down to hide it. Halfdan reached for her chin, moving her gaze up ti his. As they locked their eyes Hedvig could feel her stomach flutter. She started to lean closer, her blue eyes still locked to the brown ones before her. Halfdan could feel her breath on his lips, when the ship reached the top of the cliff.

"That will be enough, lovebirds!" Harald were calling for them, laughing to himself. Hedvig leant back, startled by the sudden voice, realizing what just happened, she started to panic again. Halfdan just laughed and whispered in her ear.

"Sorry, princess, but you have to wait." With that said he stepped away from Hedvig and jumped out of the ship. Hedvig following behind, lost in her thoughts, totally forgotten about the height.


The ships were looking like they are walking on the ground as the vikings pulled them through the hills, in a long row. Hedvig was helping with the ships, pulling it with all her might.  Her mind was far away, thinking about the she has just got herself into. She knew she felt something, but she wasn't sure if it was real.

The brothers were in the front, motivating and instructing the others to pull harder. Halfdan caught a glimpse of Hedvig and an unknown feeling welled up in him. He truely started to adore this woman and this scared him.

Harald could see the expression of his brother and jealousy took over his mind. He wanted what his brother was just about to gain, a woman to love and protect.

"Halt!" Ragnar shouted causing an immediate stop for every ship. "We arrived to Paris!"

Excited murmuring spreadt among the vikings, some of them hurrying to the front to have a look at the famous city in it's own glory.

Hedvig was one of them. The sight of the city sending shivers down her spine. This was it, the end of something, but in the same time just the beginning.


I don't know what this is, but enjoy?

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