Chapter 16: Going home?

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The following days were filled with uncertainity. Wether they are leaving defeated or staying and trying again. Since they couldn't get through the towers on the river there wasn't much of a choice. Packing up their camp, the vikings retreated.

Hedvig couldn't help but feel disappointed after the failure as the ships made their ways back to the open sea. Others weren't different.

Hedvig was constantly thinking what she could have done differently. Her shoulder still ached from the memory of an arrow, which almost caused her death. As she was thinking she realized, she would have done the same, she didn't made a mistake, she fought while she could and helped those in need with her healing skills. These thoughts crept a small smile over her lips as she was standing in the back of the ship, looking back to the river that they were just about to leave behind. Her hair lightly flew in the air from the breeze coming from the sea, the salty smell lingered in her nose, promising the proximity of the open water, where she felt herself safe. Hedvig closed her eyes enjoying the moment, reminding herself how much she loved to live.

Halfdan was watching her from the other side of the ship without her knowledge. Hedvig looked like she could conquer the whole wide world, like a goddess of the sea, bringing wrath on those who opposed her, yet she seemed like a fragile flower waiting to her rescuer. She was beautiful. He capture this picture in his mind, where she looked so powerful and vulnerable at the same time. Every time he looked at the young woman his heart fluttered and these feelings conflicted him, leaving behind only questions. What was he feeling? Was he slowly falling for the woman?

Hedvig could feel somebody's eyes on her and as she looked around, her gaze met with Halfdan's. Her heartbeat quickened as she sent a wide smile in his direction, earning a similar grin back. The horns and shouting snapped them out of their staring contest. Shouting which which were saying they will camp here.

Hedvig gazed up to the tall coastline, the height making her dizzy. Camping here didn't seemed logical, but who was she to question great leaders such as Ragnar Lothbrok? So she just prepared herself for the height she so much hated.


This chapter was hard to write, just filler so more interesting things can come already.

From now on schedule will be on every Tuesday and you will get my new story on Fridays, if you like Black Sails check it out, it's called Rough Waters.

See you on Tuesday, until then have a good day/night/morning.

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