[18] [Over?]

23 2 1


"I want to say.."






I blacked out..

I heard sounds and I felt someone carrying me.. i am assuming that is Suga.This feels awfully familiar to the experience between Chaeyoung and I.

I'll be fine.. I Guess.. but I was seeing white all around me.

Why? Am I dying? No it can't be.

Soon images of me and Namjoon started to play in front of me.. of us together and him leaving to America.. the surroundings were dull and dark. It made me sad..

But soon.. it morphed into memories of Suga and I during the past few months... together.. it had a warmer tone and it made my heart flutter.

"I'm really sorry I have to leave you suga." I thought. Soon the white around drifted into darkness and I felt my eyes flutter open.

My stomach and my head hurt as if I was hit by a truck.

I winced loudly and Suga, who was sleeping, woke up and came to me.

"OMO. HAEJI! DO NOT EVER FAINT LIKE THAT AGAIN!" He shouted and hugged me.

" what happened?" I asked, being oblivious to the situation.

" you blacked out due to lack of nutrition. Why weren't you eating?" He asked.

Then everything came back.

"Because I was depressed about you leaving me.."

"Don't worry, I won't leave you. I promise. I talked to Namjoon and figured it out." He said and that brought the light back to my eyes.

I hugged him.. and thanked him for not leaving me.. because I would have been in desperation.

He pulled back and passionately kissed me. We both stayed like that for a while and we both didn't stop.

Soon we broke free from each other's grasp and breathed heavily.

"I love you " we both said simultaneously.

We both laughed it off.. I'm really happy he decided to stay. Soon, the door flung open and there stood a panting Jimin. THANK GOD he didn't come earlier or he would have witnessed this Long and steamy kiss.

He walked to me and smiled

"You are alright? YOUNG LADY, YOU ARE NOW MY RESPONSIBILITY!" He shouted while pointing and I winced as my ears were pounding.

"Don't shout! It hurts" I said and he apologized.

"I can't believe you woke up after 2 days." Jimin said and I gasped.. I MISSED MY IMPORTANT LECTURE? OMO, I going to fail.

" I missed my lecture.. it has information about extra credit that goes up to 25%" I said as I cried into Suga's chest.

"You should be concerned about your well being than 25% on extra credit" Suga said and we all chuckled.

"I'll get back to school.. I ran out here during lunch." Jimin chuckled and left.

"I need to head home. I'm so Glad our whole arguement is over.. because I don't know how Long I would have survived without you." Suga said while planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Love you.. see you later!" He said later.


I'm Glad too :)

*Thanks for Reading. I know I said I'll post tomorrow but I found some time to publish. Here's the chapter as promised! :)*

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