< Getting home >

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             They all got home and Geno entered saying "it feels so long." "Yeah I know, come on son", said Cq. "ok", responded Geno. He was now home after so long. He was grateful to Sans his visit had given him back his hopes as he was recovering. It was great, he was finally back home. The family and friends had I little bond time and such then ink and Com went home. They were back in their good old lives for now and maybe a little better. Then Geno saw something as Fresh walked up the stairs, and like always error was mad that he wouldn't make more off Geno's recovery. But he had talked to Geno quite a few times that day, then back to Geno. He had seen a injury in fresh. More precisely his colar bone as he went up taking off his hoodie. Cq went out and wouldn't be back for long so she said. "take care boys no mishapps, you're in charge Geno.*sigh*[Whispering: yes Geno is back now I can let the boys alone together]". Fresh was now upstairs and Error and Geno were downstairs. Geno then got back to Error and said "so what's new?" Error then responded "Oh you know nothing much." "oh really so can you tell me anything about fresh's colar bone?", said Geno. Error then realized what he meant, he then began to answer "uhn- well I... he". "what did you do to our brother, Error?", said Geno, ouch now he was angry. Oh boy this was just the start. Geno continued "what did you do?" "nothing", said error, very fast (maybe too fast) ."nothing, then you can tell me what happened to his colar bone please?", said Geno trying to keep calm."uhm-", error knew he couldn't win this, and he had never seen Geno so angry before, hell when did he ever get angry to the point of yelling. So he told about his fight with Fresh and about him saying Geno would be fine, like nothing ever happened. It was much like Fresh knew he would make it, or simply didn't care either way. Then he heard the day of the fight was the some day Sans had showed up in front of him. Geno let out a small gasp, then said "and why did you harm him?" Error then answered, "he was like nothing happened at all." "well at least he BELIEVED I would be fine Error, so WHY?". Error was now frozen, Geno was yelling at him. "we talked about this before-", Geno walked away with a sigh. After the fight they made up, but Geno was still not very happy about what Error did to Fresh. He was still a little secretly pissed at Error(and that ain't ever good). 

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