< A day in the daycare >

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        Some days passed, everything was back to normal with a healthy Geno on it. There were still the fights, and Geno still wondered about what had happened that day with Fresh. Mostly it was all great and such. So they went to the daycare it would be the first day Geno would actually go there. So today Ink had come exactly at the same time as the three boys. As they entered and Error would remain close to Ink as always and very far from other people, but now closer to Geno."come on Error", said Geno. "Ye come on Error", said ink grabbing his arm ad pulling him the other way. Fresh looked more free than the others just walking around. While in the daycare Error was mostly or close to Geno or to Ink or both. After a little Geno went up to Fresh."hey Fresh what you doing?",asked Geno."nothin' much, I'm waitin for someone", said Fresh."oh you have a new friend', said Geno. "new, nah friend uh- not sure they fall in that category either", exclaimed Fresh. Then Geno saw what his younger brother meant, it was that girl or supposedly a girl cause he or she was genderless and did not mind being called either. (Their name was Ri just random character i added for the sake of this story when i didn't know how to move on nothing special just a extra by me), somehow Fresh had 'befriend' them or maybe the opposite they had befriended him."Hey freshy", they could hear a faint voice. " Yo Ri" replied fresh, "how yah doing?" "Fine and you", asked Ri coming out from the shadows with a smirk , "hello Geno, your back how nice, the more reasonable [*whisper*sane] brother", they smiled. The three talked until Ri had to go, their 'dad' picked them up."bye, Sil(another extra i added up adding) is here". After a while their mom came to pick them up. Ink and Error wondered were the two( or at least Geno) had gone they said they went to talk to a friend which was partly true if you would call them a friend. Then they went home.

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