< The nightmare >

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              It was just a day like any other. It was a great day actually. Everything was good until that happened.. it was the end of the end of the day it was a peaceful night, Error was already sleep. The other two boys and Cq were watching a movie it was at the end when it finished Fresh was going upstairs. Than suddenly Error suddenly started to glitch really badly apparently he was having a nightmare. He glitched so badly it was starting to make noises, Fresh was the first to hear them and he could hear it more than normal (?). Cq and Geno were trying to calm Error down while Fresh would cover his 'ears'. (or the part of the skull a ear would be located) Having Error finally calmed down but just before that Fresh fell down the stairs and there was a huge thud. Error opened his eyes they were still glitching and he was now crying but he heard Fresh fall down the stairs and asked what happened. Geno ran to Fresh but all Fresh said was "I'm okay just fell from the noise". "noise?", sure Geno had heard the glitches but they weren't enough to make a person lose their balance enough to fall down a set of stairs. For some reason Error seems to cry more when he heard Fresh's voice, he could kinda see now it was it was enough to know were all the people in the room were located so he buried his skull in his mom's chest so Fresh and Geno hopefully wouldn't be able to see his tears. "you okay bro?", asked Fresh as he stood up again. All Error could do is grumble a "I'm fine". But then Geno came closer and asked "did you have a nightmare, what's wrong, you looked like you had a terrible nightmare!?", said Geno. "it's nothing really", said Error still a bit in shock. " you sure soon you looked pretty shaken up", said Cq. "nothing", said Error again pressing stronger to his mom's chest. "okay if you don't want to talk about it maybe you be better talking about it tomorrow, just tell us when your ready okay", said Cq and she kissed his skull. "k, mom", said error. That was the last thing they heard that night.

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