< Disaster >

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             It was now officially September 27,2020. Later to be known as The Day of All Disaster. The boys were getting ready for the 'Lishe's big carnival', this carnival only happened once each 5 years and it was finally back, this was Fresh's favorite carnival but also his- it was going all well until about noon. Error started nagging about having to go to the carnival. "come'on it will be rad broski", said Fresh trying to pull Error. But he refused to give in "no i won't" said Error stubbornly, "why do we even have to come to this stupid carnival anyways?" But in the end they got him to go. And there waited a surprise for the family. Kiss good-bye to tomorrow. One word MONSTER. It was the huge monster they encountered that was almost killed by Error if it wasn't for Fresh. "brats", said the big monster. But he got interrupted by fresh "pff- didn't your mother teach you manners bro cause yah spitting on me.(ufufu~ YO GET DUNKED ON, he deserved that) The monster definitely did not take this well, and he pinned Fresh against the wall.(I just Imagined a very gay picture, help- sorrys) "You cocky brat, don't think you'll get out of here this time", said the large monster angered. "uh what's wrong mister I can't seem to hear you? Who was the one that left crying yesterday?", said fresh- seeming pissed. He was threatening a person. That Fresh! The family was surprised by Fresh's words. Words that might have not seem strange if they were Error's but Fresh he seemed upset, 'angry' and it looked like he was ready to kill anytime.

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