< Dusting away >

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      It was too late Fresh was becoming dust.  "Wait no, don't go Fresh", Geno said now crying, and he quickly pulled Fresh's shirt up to see there a very small yet delicate and almost invisible soul it was like it was there just to say "I'm alive", and did not feel much or do anything more then support his physical form but it was fading, shattering. It was a bright purple soul but it was now shattered into what seemed like 1 million pieces slowly crumbling and vanishing without a trace. Cq had now located the monster and started yelling at him the police had to keep her away from the monster before she went to jail together with him. It was a tragedy, then Com and Ink came to check because of all the noise that was going on there. Soon as they got there and caught a glimpse of the situation. Com trying to stop Cq from the monster, and Ink trying to calm down Error. (But at this point I had say he deserves it and hard. Like fuck you man, go die in a hole. Cq and Error should be able to kill you without going to jail- aaaagh) (don't mind me here). Cq was crying and yelling at the monster, Geno was grabbing Fresh and holdin him up, and Error was frozen not being able to do anything at all, he came closer to Fresh. Fresh wiped away a tear away from Geno's face and said "what's wrong mah bros, why you so sad, that's some unrad facial expresion there, I even thought you were so rad that day Error you can't just stop now, don't lose your smile 'kays*cough*". His soul still dusting away little by little. He was losing his voice. He no longer could talk to them. As if a big X covered his mouth and restrained him from speaking, they could not hear him, no more words from him they ever heard. It was like they were watching Error's nightmare only now it was for real, Fresh wouldn't be there the next morning standing in front of them, saying it's 'chill bruh'. Fresh had turned to dust."i'm sorry it was my fault if I didn't bring his attention this would have never have happened", yelled error standing in front of the pile where now rested Fresh's dust, and falling in his knees crying his eyes-sockets out!

Momma Cq Fanfic (Broken and dusted)Where stories live. Discover now