< Sleepover? (part 1) >

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         Then they heard the door open, right when they finished the game. "it's ma", said Fresh. "yeah let's go down she might need our help", said Geno. "yeah", said Fresh following behind Geno. "Hey ma, need help?", asked Fresh coming down the stairs. Cq was carrying one bag, then she said "no thanks boys I got it". "ks", said Fresh. Then Error came running in with Ink. "hello Ink", said Geno. "hey Geno", said Ink. "you can came in Ink", said Cq "I'm makin' dinner and going somewhere with your mom". "my mom?", asked Ink a bit confused. "yeah you're staying here today"you could hear a "yay" from Ink. "the futons are ready so you can sleep whenever you want just make sure to get some rest okay",  said Cq walking towards the kitchen. "kay" said Ink now very happy. Cq made dinner and they all ate together. Than after a while Cq and Com went out, leaving some messages before hand " no opening doors to strangers boys", said Cq. They all just said they knew that much and she turned back another time and said "uhn but you can open the door for your friend Ri"(they're minor to the story so don't think too much about them) "uhn Ri is coming didn't hear anything"said Fresh as a answer.  "their 'father' asked today, so i said yes since i know him and you know them." "Kay ma", Fresh simply replied. Error was not happy with this at all he never got along with them. He then mumbled "no opening for strangers". Cq turned back one more time said "and no locking them out Error", and went to her car. "ugh-", Error protested revolted.

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