< Sleep over (part 3) >

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           When Cq and Com got home. The four boys were asleep, and so was Ri or that was what it looked like well they were laid in bed at least. Cq and Com smiled at the kids and went upstairs to sleep Com would sleep in the house too today. In the morning geno was the first one to notice a note in the counter it was from Ri. He read it out load and it said "bye my ride is here you're all asleep so i decided not to wake you up and instead wrote this note, no worries I'll see you all very soon. P.S don't forget your sweets" The others were awake. "great she's finally gone", said Error(he used she because of their appearance) "Error", said Geno a bit angry with the others attitude. Error only looked away. "sweets?", asked Cq. "Yeah ma Ri said their 'dad' insisted they bring it", said fresh brushing his teeth. "oh really how nice", said Cq. "they brought one for you too mom", said ink. "they did?" said Com. "yeah, look she got one different for each person based on the person she's giving to", said Geno. "wow fancy", said Cq. "ha i bet her dad chose it", said Error still looking away. "oh her dad might be a good person but he's not a good chooser and this is great", said Com taking another piece out of the candy.

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