< Alternate ends part 2 >

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Narrator's POV

 They entered the carnival and wandered around a bit. Seeing the many and many different things you could find in every 10 steps the took. It really was a big carnival, and different. No one knew if that was good or bad yet though. All wondered what really was this big carnival, it had many mysteries that were never revealed to anyone and most likely never will. But perhaps that would be for the best.

Geno's POV

 We were walking around and some quite unexpected happened. As we were having a good time we met him again. It couldn't be? Could it? The monster was back! I almost had a little heart attack when I saw him. Not because I was scared of him. No, because I was scared of what might be done to him. The monster approached us. Yet another unexpected thing happened.

Error's POV

 That stupid monster from before come close to us as we and he noticed each others presence. But never mind that the thing that happened next was way more surprising than anything this monster could ever do. As I was getting ready to hit him. The monster-

Geno's POV

 -called out to us. But what happened here I couldn't believe my own eye(sockets). Fresh! That Fresh! As soon as the monster came up to us and talked in his rude loud voice, Fresh who was a little closer to him started "sheesh broski, your mom didn't teach you manners?". This surprised me so much it let me dumb folded and obviously not only me as I looked back mom and Error could confirm that. Soon not to our surprise but not to our liking either the monster came closer to Fresh.

Fresh's POV

 This monster from before he had just suddenly come up to me and talked so close he spit in my face. So in instinct, I said, "sheesh broski, your mom didn't teach you manners?". Obviously, i meant that but my bros sure looked surprised. But this monster sure was rude. It made something stir inside me but not something good I was sure. I didn't really wanna know what it was so I tried to push him away. But instead, he came at me. Take a chill pill bruh- now...

Geno's POV

 Mom went to call the police. The monster came for the hit at Fresh but Fresh easily took the upper hand and turned things around. As though he was about to hit the monster. As though he was really angry, pissed at the monster or something he did. Even when the monster pinned him against the wall and we all became alert Fresh easily escaped. Fresh was showing much superiority towards the monster. I never knew he was that-

Error's POV

-strong. Like what the actual fuck. I didn't know Fresh could do that. Fresh was obviously overpowering the monster by a hundred. I was so dumb folded. But nevermind that everything was going smoothly. Until that happened. The monster tired and beaten up went for the hit again. This time though- This time ... No how? I couldn't be. Tears threatening to fall a watched the fight for one more second

Geno's POV 

GOD GOD GOD NO- This couldn't possibly be happing. The monster got a punch in and Fresh collapsed but he hit the monster to the wall near. We quickly ran to Fresh and kneeled down. He had been hit in his soul. He let out small coofs and spoke in a raspy voice looking at the monster on the wall. He smiled "heh- see bruh now he won't disturb ya anymore". He made me wanna cry, cry and slap him. But guess I just wasn't fast enough. I was shocked to see that familiar black, blue and yellow hand in Fresh's cheekbone and a tear in it. Fresh didn't look surprised. His shades were slightly broken but he closed his eyes and smiled. "What's wrong- bruh? That really hurt you know?" he said looking up at Error who was a mess of glitches and tears. I was so surprised. Error. Error showed compassion to Fresh like he really needed him. I didn't know which one to slap now the one that only noticed now how important the other is. Or the one that ended in the ground for doing stupid because he noticed he couldn't do what he saw.

Error's POV

 I was shocked. I just went with the flow. I slapped Fresh and a tear dropped. When I looked down he did that dumb face of his, smiled and said " What's wrong- bruh? That really hurt you know?". I literally had no idea, I just cried. I felt like the world would have ended if he died here. It's like I slapped him just to check if he was alive. I muttered "sorry". Then another slap came. But no not from me this time. Geno, Geno slapped me. His face looked proud too.

Geno's POV 

 I just had to. I felt if i didn't i wouldn't get anything going. So i slapped Error when he muttered "sorry". For some reason, i got really pissed. When i looked ar Error he looked shocked and Fresh had this ":T" look in his face. He coofed again. Then i quickly pulled his shirt up to reveal his bright purple soul. This might sound weird but it was beautiful, and i think Error agreed. I rushed and quickly said "Well we can't just stay here. He's still alive we have to call the ambulance." Luckily mom came back just as i finished and the ambulance was called. Then they took Fresh in it. 

                      ~le time skip~

Fresh's POV

 When i woke up i was in a hospital bed. I was pretty confused, but not as much as when i saw Error sleeping in the edge of the bed and Geno too with his hand in mine. Welp, this is gonna end badly isn't it. It passed a while since i decided not to wake them up. But i was hoping Geno would wake up first. I was wrong.

Error's POV

 I woke up and for some reason, i was in the edge of a hospital bed but it wasn't Geno's, no didn't feel like that. When i looked up i saw Fresh and remembered. "Uuuuuuh-" I started awkwardly "it's not like i was here all night with Geno looking over you". Then i noticed my mistake and put a hand over my mouth. I could swear i heard Fresh chuckling. Then Geno woke up.

Geno's POV

 When i woke up to look at Fresh, Error was already awake and i could see a slight blush. Was it just me or was Fresh giggling too. I just looked at them. Fresh made that "idk" face and Error just looked away. Oh god, i have tsundere brother now (yes yes you do Geno).  After that Fresh got charged and we went home.

                                          ~10 year's later~

Fresh's POV

 It's been a while but I'm going to my mom's house this holiday. I saw Geno by the door and waved greeting him with a "whassup, bruh?". He waved back, i soon noticed Error was next to him so i said "hey glitchy- bruh". "ugh", he said back in an annoyed tone "that the fuck did you just call me?". But Geno interrupted and said in a displeased tone "Error jeez calm down, where in front of the house don't swear". "yeah yeah", Error said and received a glare from Geno. Pff- i laughed a bit. It's been a long time but at least now i have a 'punny bone'. Pffft- i swear Geno would kill me if i said this and he heard. But we've all settled and we're in great paths i guess. I don't have a relationship yet but apparently, soon i can, well not really going towards that yet. But they said I'll get better. You know i really haven't changed. I wonder what is that they wanted to save in me? 

Narrator's POV

 The three brothers enter the house and greet their mother CQ and have a lovely night with a lovely view. Surely all will work.


Hey, guess who finally finished writing this shit? :> Hope you enjoyed. Special thanks to SkylarPlayzMC for giving me the idea of writing an alternate ending with a less angsty end. 

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