< Another visit >

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         Few more months had passed peacefully, it was great. Or rather neutral, less fights still had though, a few times Geno would join Fresh and talk to Ri it was nice. But sometimes he wouldn't understand her very well and sometimes there was a something in them that made it strange to be by their side like they weren't a human but they weren't a monster either- but in general it was good. Error was away with their mom and it was just Fresh and Geno in Fresh's room. That day a surprise came to Geno's door well Fresh's door to be exact. Sans was there again he didn't know how but he was there like last time. "Oh I'm lost again", Fresh and Geno heard and  immediately recognized the voice. "what-", Fresh was confused and just looked at Geno. But Geno knew it was Sans."hey you again", Sans said as he looked through the door seeing Gen.He then noticed where he was that colorful room he could recognaze it from anywhere. He then saw Fresh next to Geno. He almost let a tear out of his eye but pushed it back. But he was not able to fool Fresh with this. Geno explained to Fresh that Sans was actually Geno from the future. "makes sense since he came from nowhere", said Fresh."hey, mini-me", Sans said to Geno."hey", answered Geno, "Well I didn't think I would see you- me again." "yeah, same here, life is full of surprises I guess", responded Sans. Then the three heard another familiar voice, Error. "Geno where are you, we'll be late." "oh Error is calling me, btw what day is today", said Sans as he turned to the door. "it's september 27, 2019"(another random date), answered Fresh."one more year uhm- *sigh*", sans said."what?", asked Geno."nothing", said sans. He then hugged Geno out of nowhere and whispered "remember to stay happy ok, and enjoy life". "uhm" Geno was confused. Then before Sans went, Fresh stopped him and said. "So you're from the future, what's future me doing have i became a slacker, leaving you unrad like that, might as well change the future if you became like that." "Huhn, I can never scape from you can i!?", responded sans, with a soft sad smile "you're right you would be pretty unhappy if you saw me now uhm?". "uh- I'm not sure, can i feel happy there", said Fresh. "well that's still a mystery", said Sans winking before leaving the room. The two bros did not know the meaning of those words yet. But they opened to it. "what was that?", asked Geno."you asking me broski, cause I have no idea", responded Fresh. "yeah I know me neither", said Geno."so where were we?", asked Fresh. "here, here it is",answered Geno pointing at something. They were playing a board game.

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