< Alternate ends part 1 >

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           Geno's Pov

   It's being a while since that future me came here, and from all his visits something struck onto my mind "save him save him please and remember the day September 21, 2020, the best day of your life, but the worst. Save him using all you need. Pay attention, enjoy your life, and don't bump into the big MONSTER" he had said. "MONSTER" I wondered. What did he mean by that? Today would be a day before Lishes' carnival and we would go out shopping for random gifts. Today was 'September 20, 2020'. His words worried me deeply. It carved many questions and worries in my mind. Who was I suppose to save? Why will tomorrow be the best day but the worse? Save who? How? Pay attention? To what? Everything? Or did I already get distracted? Bump? Why would I bump into a big monster? What did he mean? I was deeply in thought as I heard a knock on my door. "Geno", I heard from the other side. It was mom, calling me. "Yes!?", I said back. "Get ready we'll be off soon", she said. "Okay, I'll be right there mom", I said hurrying to put some clothes on. We went out and as always Error seemed pissed at Fresh.  All I thought was "ugh" because he won't just leave Fresh alone. He seems to be doing fine, but Error just won't cut it out. 

         Error's Pov

    Ugh, that parasite.(just a way for a kid to call another kid that they have a deep hate for :>) Why can't he just be normal? (like you're normal!?(¬_¬)) He keeps acting like this. Like nothing really matters, even when Geno was still 'bad'. What I hate most is that he fakes caring for other people. He never did anything for Geno. If he's gonna fake then at least do it properly. Agh and Geno is like 'no it's fine'. How is it fine exactly? Uh- I hate him so much. I start staring at him while we're in the car on the way to shopping. Tch- I said in a somewhat hearable volume, but no one seemed to notice. Now we have to go to the stupid Lishes' carnival, it's all his fault. If only he didn't exist! 

          Fresh's Pov

   I dun know why. Error kept staring at me in the way to shopping, and I heard him tch- That dude seriously needs to chillax. He keeps staring at me like I'm his mortal enemy or something. So I decided to say something. I turned to him and slightly stared back saying, "whatsup, my broski? Why you keep staring at me?". He seemed to be a little shocked I noticed him. Though if anyone got a glare at them like that I'm pretty sure they'd notice. He only looked away. Geno seemed a bit confused and looked at us both switching glances. After a while, i just started to look out the window.

         Error's Pov

  Shit, he noticed me. I was a bit surprised when Fresh said "whatsup, my broski? Why you keep staring at me?" it broke me out of staring at him really quickly. I decided just to look away. But it seemed his annoying 90's dialect and fake cheery voice caught attention. As I could feel Geno glance at me and Fresh.

      Geno's Pov

  I was just talking to mom and looking forward. Until I heard Fresh say something. I wasn't sure what he had said completely but I knew he was talking to Error and I heard him ask "Why you keep staring at me?" I quickly changed my focus point switching from Fresh and Error glancing at them. I was quite confused. But my train of thought was broken as the car stopped and we got off. After a while, for some reason, i had found myself running after Fresh. Perhaps because I was slow, but I accidentally wasn't paying attention and I bumped into a monster. I look up to the large monster about to say sorry- wait MONSTER? I bumped into a monster? Just like that Future me had said. Does that mean I failed? I get off my thoughts when the monster quickly grabs me by my scarf and says with his large, terribly smelling mouth with big teeth " Hey brat. Watch out where you're going. Apologize, ay!". His grip made it slightly harder to breathe but I manage to say sorry. The big monster dropped me. I looked at mom, Fresh, and Error. Fresh's glasses said UN-RAD, and Error obviously was not happy at all with the monster's action. Error then looked at the monster and started a fight with him [Fight in chapter<Monster>] (read it again if you don't remember)

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