< Visit and a journal >

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            It had passed quite some time since Sans second visit and today would be his third. Geno was alone today like the first visit, his mom and Fresh had gone to the supermarket, Error was at Ink's , but for no apparent reason Geno had decided to stay home and successfully got permission. He himself didn't know quite why he felt like staying. So that morning while he was alone in his room guess who knocked in his door. So there Sans was in front if Geno once again. "hey it's been a long time uhn- kid", said Sans. "yeah I guess you're right", replied Geno. "so what day is today", asked Sans. "march 5, 2020", said Geno (another random date) "Nice", said Sans, "it's a great day". Then Geno asked looking up at Sans "you recorded in you journal like me". "well yeah", said sans then he whispered "i did take a break after that though". "what are you doing today", asks Geno. "uh- today i'm with my bro", says Sans. "wait 'my bro' which one, uh now i which I could see Fresh and Error in the future. Sans would shake a bit every time fresh was mentioned, then he finally said "i'm with Error today, in the town festival". "really Error is there only him, usually Fresh is really excited, but anyways how those Error look like now", asks Geno. "same as always pretty grumpy, but i guess better than now for you probably", answers Sans. "So what about Fresh?", asks Geno. "Fresh he uhn he- well he.. he's the tallest as always and he is great at everything nothing changed", lied Sans. He was never a good liar. "oh i always knew he would get bigger than us and smarter, i bet Error is super jealous", said Geno. "yeah he (would be)", Sans laughed a little hiding a tear. "but to tell you the true i can't think of a time we'd go to the town festival without Fresh he's usually why Error has to go", said Geno. "oh yeah it took some time to convince him (it's still why he goes) ", says Sans "he came when i said Fresh wouldn't make it ". "that sounds like Error", said Geno. The two talked a bit about the future/present, and how things turned out and how they were before. Then they heard Error call for Sans again and he went away. Sometime later Error, Cq, and Fresh came back, but thanks to Sans Geno wasn't bored even a bit.The rest of the day he passed playing games with Error, and watching movies with Fresh. Sans was right it was a great day. Through the day Fresh's shade seemed to change more than usual or maybe it was just that he talked with fresh more than usual. Specially one of the best days, Geno would write in his journal.

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