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Ah, shopping. The activity that demands you to leave the comfort of your bed to the great outdoors. The activity that demands you to be surrounded by crowds of other humans as you try to pass without someone pushing you to the ground. The activity where anything that happens makes you irrationally angry. The activity where- wait, where the heck are you?

You felt uncomfortable, there's too much of a damn crowd that you don't have the patience to deal with, and you're lost. Your eyes dart around the crowds of people as you try to spot the familiar face of Jungkook, who had invited you to the mall for god knows what reason. Honestly, he invited you, shouldn't he be here first?

So now you were lost, uncomfortable, and annoyed. This day couldn't get any better, you thought sarcastically in your mind, rolling your eyes at yourself. The thought of ditching the male was preeminent in your mind, no matter how harsh you told yourself it was. The man was half an hour late, anyone in their right mind would be annoyed.

"Y/N?" A confused voice was heard behind you, you spinning on the ball of your foot to face the large, doe eyes of the male you had just been mentally cursing at. His face was covered in a mask, but it was easy to identify him to you. You lifted a brow, as did he, the two of you having a staring contest for a few seconds.

Just as you were about to complain and lash out on why he took so long, he stopped you with a question of his own, "Why are you standing on the floor above the one I told you to wait on?" What.

You reached for your pocket and gripped your phone tightly, checking the text he had sent you a few hours before as he watched you with a small, victorious smirk on his lips, obviously waiting for you to admit that you were wrong so he could tease you and the thought of ditching him was on your mind now more than ever. Or maybe just punching him and running away.

"SO," you clasped your hands together, "what did you call me out for? Why am I standing here when I could potentially be at home, on my couch, eating chips and watching Netflix?" you ignored the way his eyes glistened with amusement with your obvious attempt at changing the subject, and stared up at him with genuine curiosity.

"Well," he started, "I have a fancy party to go to with all my hyungs, and logically, you have to come with me." You blinked slowly, processing the information, though all your mind seemed to remember were the words 'party' and 'with me'.

"Oh, hell no. For lack of a better analogy, you're expecting to drag my awkward ass to this party with all the people with social asses?" He smiled in amusement at your odd metaphor before shrugging, you taking that as a silent confirmation. "Damn you, Jeon Jungkook, I'm leaving." you turned around and stomped in the direction of the exit, him hurriedly walking behind you and grabbing your wrist, forcing you to face him.

"Please go with me! I'm just as awkward as you. Please." The puppy dog eyes he was giving you made your heart clench, that mixed with the near desperation in his tone made you give in. It couldn't possibly be that bad, right? You sighed, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you faced the male, muttering out a low 'yes' and watching his eyes light up brighter than a Christmas tree.

He smiled widely, taking your wrist and leading you around, "We're here to shop for a dress for you, because I know damn well that you don't own a dress appropriate for talking to idols." You hated that he was right, so you simply glared at him and started walking aimlessly around the mall, him walking beside you. You weren't quite sure where to look, so you pretended to know what you were doing as you continued silently window shopping.

"You and I both know you don't know what you're doing." Dammit. You ignored him and looked around, and amidst your confusion you didn't notice the way his hand, that was previously gripping your wrist, had traveled down your own hand and slipped between your fingers, his eyes locked on your now intertwined hands.

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