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The man nervously shifted in his seat, his leg bouncing and his nails clattering on the table to relieve some of his nerves as his eyes scanned the area for any sight of you.

He shouldn't be this nervous, he really had no reason to be. He went on more dates with you than the number of toes on his hands and feet combined. And yet, this was his chance to win you back; to woo you over, as his hyungs said. It was as if this was his first date with you all over again, he was just as nervous that day.

You hadn't denied his use of the word 'date', even though you could have. That's what Taehyung had said, anyway. And yet he was beginning to get nervous when you weren't showing up, only to then remember that you would always be fashionably late, as you always said as an excuse. He sighed quietly to himself, eyeing your contact and rereading the text he wrote over again. His thumb hovered over the send button, and he reluctantly pressed it down.

Tall Beanstalk <3: are you coming or what?

You heard your phone ding with a text message as you crossed the street, already figuring it was probably from an impatient Jungkook. You reached into your pocket and pulled your phone out, only to have your suspicions confirmed shortly after as you replied while absentmindedly smiling a bit,

You: yeah, I had to go back

You: I forgot my bitch repellent

Tall Beanstalk <3: rUde

Tall Beanstalk <3: I got some salt ready over here

Tall Beanstalk <3: prepare your ass

You: I am literally standing rIGHT outside

You: calm thyself

You rolled your eyes, pushing open the glass door of the coffee shop, the sweet aroma filling your senses as the bell above you dinged as a signal of your arrival. From the corner of your eye you catch the sight of a male's head shooting in your direction, with a mask covering most of his face and a hoodie over his head. You rolled your eyes once again at how obviously he could draw attention to himself as you pulled a chair back and sat down slowly with mock grace.

"Sup loser, your eyes are clouding my view, and your fashion sense is simply revolting." You spat as the male opposite you tried to hide his snicker, only then reminding himself that he was wearing a mask anyway.

"Hoe, I am the view." He made an extra pose as you snorted,

"I think you're gonna need some glasses, fam."

He pulled his mask down as he shot you a deadpanned look, "You got any of that bitch repellent with ya? I might just need it." You two shot each other looks before grins slowly stretched in both of your faces as you both quietly laughed, the male slapping his knee as he tried his best not to draw attention to himself.

Maybe if he wasn't famous now, you both could be laughing loudly as you ignored the judging looks of others. He would be seen as a normal man laughing that others would completely forget about the next day, and not as 'Jeon Jungkook from BTS'. He wouldn't be surrounded by unnecessary drama and screaming fans. You wouldn't have been caught in his problems, you wouldn't have been in danger.

"Jungkook?" You wave a hand in his face and unknowingly halt the inner struggle he was having with himself. You cross your arms against your chest and lean back on your chair, "I mean, it was funny, but it wasn't that funny, you were probably being full of yourself in your mind just now. You used to do that all the time when we first met, ya know? It's probably a guy thing, I don't judge though."

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