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"It's not working." Jungkook said with his hands folded together, his voice barely above a whisper as he bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from screaming in frustration. In all honesty, he wanted to lash out on you, or himself, or anyone, because all of his plans were failing him and he didn't know what to do anymore. Luckily, his hyungs had heard- and noticed- his not-so-silent cries of despair, which made them inwardly sigh before sitting next to their pouting maknae.

"Alright, tough guy, what is it?" Of course they knew what was wrong, he always acted this way whenever it involved you. Hoseok and Jimin shared eye contact, both warning the other for the rambling that was about to come from youngest.

He took a deep breath before speaking his heart out in what could mostly be considered nonsense, "I mean, how did I manage to woo her the first time?! Why must she be so complicated?! It's just- I already tried hugging and holding her hand and everything! Why is she not reacting! Is this what they call 'hard-to-get'? Is this what those stupid romantic dramas were trying to warn me about? I knew I should have accepted her offer when she asked if I wanted to watch it with her. Just why-"

Yoongi, who was half listening from the sofa, finally had enough as he raised from the dead and dragged himself to the rambling boy, shaking his shoulders violently, "This is not a drama! This is real life! Get it together!" Jeongguk didn't even hear what he said, but he nodded his head furiously in an attempt to make the scary older go back to what he was doing.

Yoongi sighed and sat back down on the couch which squeaked in protest from the sudden weight, an act that earned a sigh of relief from the maknae as he glanced back to the two that had previously tried to console him with a lost look. "Hyuuuungs..."

Jimin considered himself to be quite an observant person, so he was quite lost. Back when you came to the dorms, he had watched you play video games with Jungkook and could have sworn he caught a fond look you let slip your facade when you glanced at the younger. Though it was gone just as quickly as it came, so he might have been wrong. And when Jungkook boldly confessed how he was still in love with you, he could only catch confusion and worry swimming in your eyes, contrary to Jungkook's that was filled with hope and sincerity. Though he did honestly believe Jungkook had a chance, he didn't want to give the male false hope.

He scooted closer to the perplexed male and pat his back reassuringly, "Jungkook-ah... I'm sure she'll come to her senses soon. It may be hard, but we'll support you. But if she doesn't, maybe you just didn't give other females a chance yet!"

Oh, but he had. He had gone on dates with several females after your breakup, at some point he had come home with a dozen pieces of papers with phone numbers and names he couldn't bother reading weighing in his pockets. But his thoughts always managed to drift to you, your small habits that made him smile or the way you two would have inside jokes no one else understands. He found himself unconsciously ordering his and your favorite drink the first few times, and he even scowled at one girl that said she didn't like the drink you did.

He would be lying if he said he never thought about you.

And he would be lying if he said his chest didn't ache whenever he thought about how you broke up with him.

He didn't want to explain the feeling, so he only mumbled a low, "Thanks, hyung." He smiled slightly at him and the other smiled back, the two laughing a bit as Hoseok started doing a little dance to try and cheer him up.

"Alright, time for practice!" The choreographer clapped his hands to try and catch the attention of the band, all of which lazily stood up to continue where they left off on the damned dance.

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