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"I'm hungry.." You heard a loud whine coming from the couch in your small apartment. For the hundredth time. Will they ever stop complaining?

"Yah, if you're so desperate to eat something, help me cook! You're the ones that invited yourselves to my house!" Maybe you've been hanging around Seokjin too much since you reunited with him yesterday, but you sounded a lot like him when you said that, using the pan as a makeshift weapon as you swung it around for emphasis.

Jungkook decided that he wanted to play more of the game he bought with you, so he invited himself over even though he saw you yesterday. And, apparently, the rest of the maknae line decided to join too, so now you were stuck in your own apartment with three whiny, hungry males who thought it was a genius idea to come over without eating. Sigh. Why do you even bother.

It was currently ten in the morning on a Saturday afternoon, earlier than you usually wake up on a weekend. Woken up to cook for stupid, lazy boys, no less.

"Breakfast! If it's bad, don't complain! You have a chef at home!" You yelled as you placed the eggs from the spatula to the plate. You were planning on not cooking anything at all and probably eating cereal while lazing around watching Netflix, but it seems like those plans will have to be put on hold as you watched the three boys scurry into the kitchen to serve themselves.

As they all sit down with breakfast, you serve yourself before joining the others, lazily poking your food with your fork before taking a bite. "Where are the forks?" Taehyung suddenly says, looking around as if the forks would be somewhere in plain sight. Jimin nodded, turning to look at you, but before you could get up Jungkook suddenly gets up himself and pulls open a drawer to get the three necessary forks. You ignored the fact that he still knew where they were, regardless of how long it's been since he's last been here.

Sitting himself down, he quickly ate a piece of your cooking. "Y/N." He started as he chewed thoughtfully.

The food was pretty good. "This tastes pretty bad." But he would never tell you that.

You and him both know it's a lie. You have seen him scarfing down your food plenty of times in the past. Doesn't mean you don't shoot him a glare and raise your hand up threateningly, "Yah, did I ask you for your opinion? What are you, a food critic?" The two of you share intense eye contact before he sent you a smile and continued eating his food. This boy-

"Y/N, do you have Wii?" The insults on your tongue come to a halt as you let Jimin's question register in your mind.

"Yes, why?" You know why he asked. It was only confirmed when the three boys shared eye contact with each other, seemingly having a silent conversation. You know how competitive Jungkook is, and judging on how you made sure to rub your win from yesterday in his face, it will be bad in case he does win this time. Your mind came up with torturous possibilities of what he could make you do. You can't let him win.


You were currently watching Taehyung and Jimin play basketball. Since you only had two controllers, all four of you couldn't play together, so you were going against Jungkook later. Not surprisingly, he made sure of that.

"This shit is rigged!" You watched from afar in amusement as Taehyung pointed aggressively at the screen, controller in hand as he then proceeded to swing his arms in the air in frustration. Jimin only clapped as he quite obviously tried to be a good sportsman and not release his inner 'in-your-face'. It would be a different story with Jungkook though.

Said man pat a pouting Taehyung on the back before taking the controller from his hands and inspecting it, almost as if he hasn't seen it before. Almost as if he didn't fling the same model across the room once out of frustration, said fact being what forced you to buy a new one. He nodded in approval, looking up and into your eyes before smirking briefly. Aish, this confident kid.

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