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"Y/N, come here." He commanded, his expression stern and eyebrows furrowed as he watched you from the opposite side of the table. You shook your head stubbornly, clutching onto the object as if it were your life as you peered up at him from beneath your lashes. You continued taking small steps back while not breaking eye contact, the cold floor unforgiving to your bare feet, yet you payed no mind to it since the situation you were facing was much more important.

"Don't come any closer, Jeon. I'm warning you." You said menacingly while delivering your best and most threatening glare, which didn't look intimidating at all since you could have sworn it made his lips twitch up slightly in amusement before it returned to his previous hard expression. If you were closer you would have smacked him upside the head, yet you wouldn't dare approach him with the predicament you were in.

Suddenly, his hard expression disappeared and was replaced with a happy grin that reeked of mischief underneath its mask. "Y/N~" He cooed, taking threatening steps towards you and with each step forward you took a step back, which would eventually come back to bite you since his legs were much longer than yours and with his pace he could and would reach you within seconds. "Come here~"

"Hell no," you muttered and swiftly turned on your heel, scurrying away from the man in the large space his living room provided. Good thing he's rich and lives in a home probably more than half the size of your own, otherwise you would have had a hard time running away from him. Which is already a challenge, since he seemed to effortlessly avoid any furniture coming his way, considering he lived here, as he ran after you, hot on your heels. He visited you more than you did him, and you weren't quite as aware of the layout of the house as you would have liked to be. So now, you had no idea where you were going.

"You can't run for long Y/N!"

"Back off already!" You made the sad mistake of looking back as you yelled at him, which resulted in you tripping inelegantly on a shirt that one of the boys carelessly left on the floor, nearly falling on your face but thankfully saving yourself by both your hands suffering the fall instead. With that, you let go of the item that had previously been safely in your grasp. It had tumbled away and you could only watch helplessly from your position as Jungkook walked towards it calmly, picking it up and inspecting it closely. Your mouth remained parted slightly in both regret and disappointment even as he looked down at you with a smug grin plastered across his features.


"Shut up. Just... shut up." You interrupted, flipping over to your back while still laying on the floor to cross your arms dejectedly with a slight pout present on your lips. His mouth twitched but this time it was to slowly morph into a small smile, adoration clear in his eyes as he stared down at your form from above. "That bag of chips was mine until you stole it!" You yelled suddenly, pointing your index finger accusingly as all he did was blink and flash you a not-so-innocent smile.

"Honestly, you're rich so you can probably buy an entire factory of chips." You muttered grumpily as you slowly lifted yourself from the floor, sticking your tongue out childishly at him as he rolled his eyes.

"Why do that when I can just steal yours?"

"You little-"

"We're back!" The sound of the six males bursting through the door interrupted your thoughts as they loudly bustled inside. Though the sound of Jungkook opening the packet of chips and chewing fervently seemed to become louder than the others as the large urge to slap him surfaced within you.

He raised an eyebrow in your direction in amusement before looking away to hide his smile, "So when are you going home?"

You had slept in the dorms with the boys after spending the day with them and the idea of leaving slipped your mind completely. You would have been having a movie marathon with them at the moment if Bang PD hadn't called them suddenly, and of course, Jungkook had volunteered to stay with you until they came back. You were curious as to what they were called for, but knew better than to interfere with their idol lives. "Ah. I should be going now." His eyes widened in panic and he grabbed your arm frantically.

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